Greyhill Incident Review – IGN

Greyhill Incident may seem like a classic alien invasion game, but it turns out to be a poorly made, dull, and horrific game. It feels like a fan-made sequel to an iconic movie, but without the originality and quality that make the classic a masterpiece.


The game puts you in the shoes of Ryan, a government-hating single father armed with a baseball bat, who tries to save his town from invading aliens. However, the game does not offer much of a storyline, just a long list of errands that lead you nowhere without clear objectives. You will waste your time wandering around the town without any waypoints, hoping to find a way to progress. The drudgery eventually culminates in a complete non-ending that feels anticlimactic and provides no closure to the universe.


The dialogue and voice performances are equally dismal, with cringe-worthy lines that are delivered poorly and do not fit the game’s context. The result is one of the worst conversations you will ever hear in a game. From the bad jokes to the awkward delivery by the characters, Greyhill Incident’s dialogue is a mess. The occasional funny moments fail to save the game from its dullness and lack of originality.


The real tragedy of this game is the gameplay, which is an exercise in boredom, with nothing exciting or interesting to do. The stealth mechanics are the worst part of the game, punishing you with slow crouching movements that make even the simplest of tasks tedious and boring. The alien enemies are weak, and their cartoonish appearance and sounds undermine any terror they are designed to inflict. The lack of diversionary tactics, such as bricks or bottles, makes the stealth mechanics even more monotonous.


In conclusion, Greyhill Incident is a game to avoid. It is poorly made, filled with bugs, and lacking in originality. It fails to capture the essence of an alien invasion story, producing instead a dull and monotonous game that frustrates players with its slow mechanics. The lack of diversionary tactics and the dull alien enemies further compound the game’s mediocrity. If you love horror games with great storylines and gameplay, then Greyhill Incident is not for you.