The popular game Detective Pikachu is making a comeback in the aptly-titled Detective Pikachu Returns. This upcoming title was showcased in the recent Pokémon Presents event, providing fans with a glimpse of what to expect in Ryme City outside the shadow of the Mario announcements from June.
In the latest trailer, we see Detective Pikachu still on the search for his owner, Harry Goodman, as he teams up with Tim to solve various cases along the way. The trailer showcases cute and friendly mysteries, with the witty titular Pokémon still addicted to coffee.
While the visuals appear reminiscent of the Nintendo 3DS era, there are some new elements in the trailer. Two Pokémon, Growlithe and Darmanitan, are introduced as helpers who can assist in cases with their acute sense of smell and great strength. It seems that Detective Pikachu now has a full-fledged detective team by his side.
Towards the end of the trailer, a tease reveals that there is another major mystery unfolding in Ryme City, potentially caused by a pesky Flying Type Pokémon. But fans will have to wait until the game’s release on October 6th to uncover what exactly is happening.
While it may seem similar to its predecessor, Detective Pikachu Returns still has the potential to capture the charm of the original game. Fans of the first game will likely be excited to see this blast from the past in the new release.
What are your thoughts on the latest trailer? Let us know in the comments below.