Best World of Warcraft expansions, ranked

World of Warcraft has solidified itself as the world’s most famous MMORPG. Over the years, the universe has expanded and the player base has grown exponentially.

World of Warcraft: Top 5 Expansions Ranked

As we approach WoW’s 20th anniversary and with the announcement of the upcoming World Soul saga, now is the perfect time to reflect on the best expansions within the game.

From the original World of Warcraft to the captivating adventure in Shadowlands, players have witnessed the highs and lows of the game.

We’re taking a look at the top five expansions that have left a lasting impact on the WoW universe. We apologize if your favorite expansion didn’t make the list, as these five are generally at the forefront of WoW discussions.

5. Dragonflight – 2022

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Dragonflight, the latest expansion, has been a welcome addition to the game. While it may not have revolutionized the franchise, it has brought much-needed stability to WoW. The focus on quality of life improvements, especially in character progression, has been appreciated by players.

The expansion introduced four primary zones, making the game even more enjoyable, along with significant changes to the raid experience. The weak storytelling has been a point of contention, but with The War Within, there is optimism for a positive shift in the narrative.

Despite its flaws, Dragonflight has provided an enjoyable gaming experience and laid the groundwork for future improvements in the franchise.

4. The Burning Crusade – 2007

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

The Burning Crusade marked WoW’s first mainstream expansion and brought players to the Outlands, a standout experience enjoyed by many. The introduction of the Blood Elf and Draenei races left a lasting impression and set the stage for subsequent content updates.

The expansion paved the way for future DLCs and left players with a positive impression of what was to come in the world of WoW.

3. Legion – 2016

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Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Legion took players on a thrilling adventure to The Broken Isles, offering the chance to wield Artifact weapons and explore new races. The addition of end-game content like Mythic+ has kept players engaged even today.

Despite its ups and downs, Legion introduced content that continues to appeal to players, ensuring its significance in the evolution of WoW.

2. Mists of Pandaria – 2012

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Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Mists of Pandaria is often hailed as a golden age for WoW. With engaging quests and intensified gameplay, it offered a unique experience to players. The Siege of Orgrimmar raid and Throne of Thunder remain player favorites and continue to draw interest even today.

1. Wrath of The Lich King – 2008

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Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Wrath of The Lich King stands out as the pinnacle of WoW’s classic era. The clash with The Lich King in Icecrown Citadel and the introduction of the Death Knight class left a lasting impact on the game.

Undoubtedly, Wrath of The Lich King continues to be a top expansion among players, signifying a significant milestone in the evolution of WoW.

No matter which WoW expansion you choose, the game continues to attract players from around the world. As we look to the future of WoW, we anticipate exciting developments that will further enrich the gaming experience.