CBS’ Elsbeth is your new favorite weirdo detective show

The Return of the Weirdo Detective

TV has always had a soft spot for the weirdo detective, from the likes of Dr. Gregory House to the endearingly annoying Psych boys. This trope, where characters are either stranger than their peers or driven to eccentricity by their deductive skills, continues to be a fan favorite. And now, it’s making a comeback with new and familiar names joining the ranks.

The latest addition is Elsbeth Tascioni, the star of Elsbeth, a new CBS case-of-the-week show. Portrayed by Carrie Preston, Elsbeth first made her mark in The Good Wife, where she captivated audiences with her scatterbrained yet endlessly wily character.

Photo: Elizabeth Fisher/CBS

In her own show, Elsbeth transitions from a lawyer in Chicago to a Columbo-type detective in New York City. Each episode presents a new mystery for Elsbeth to unravel, showcasing her unique approach to solving crimes while challenging the conventional methods of the NYPD.

Like many of the Kings’ shows, Elsbeth incorporates a socially conscious commentary into its procedural format. The tension doesn’t just come from solving the case, but also from the clash between Elsbeth’s unorthodox methods and the department’s desire to close cases quickly.

Photo: Elizabeth Fisher/CBS

But for fans of Elsbeth from The Good Wife and The Good Fight, the show may feel a bit different. The transition from a supporting character to the main focus has softened some of Elsbeth’s edges, leaving viewers to wonder what kind of victory the series has in store for her.

Elsbeth airs Thursdays at 10 p.m. EST on CBS and is available to stream on Paramount Plus.