Hades 2 Is A Hell Of A Time, Even In Early Access

Image: Supergiant Games

Hades II represents a significant milestone for Supergiant Games as it delves back into a familiar world and characters with its very first direct sequel. Despite the initial surprise, fans of the studio know that Supergiant always delivers exceptional narrative design, engaging gameplay, stunning art, and more. And here’s the shocker—Hades II is shaping up to be another masterpiece, even in its unfinished state!

Having spent 20 hours playing the Early Access version available on platforms like Steam and the Epic Games Store, it’s clear that Supergiant has another hit on its hands. While the studio hasn’t disclosed the consoles for the release yet, the anticipation is high. So, we jumped into the Early Access version on Steam Deck to experience this god-like rogue-like sequel.

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Image: Nintendo Life / Supergiant Games

The journey in Hades II kicks off with a familiar tone as Melinoë, daughter of Hades and princess of the Underworld, finds herself in Erebus, the realm of the deceased souls. The objective is clear—descend, battle spirits and creatures, and reach Chronos, the Titan of Time.

Descending through the Crossroads to the Underworld triggers the well-known Hades gameplay loop of battling enemies, collecting rewards, acquiring boons from Gods, and progressing through diverse biomes. Should you meet your demise, you’re transported back to the Crossroads where you can swap Nocturnal Arms, interact with characters like Hecate and Odysseus, and witness Skelly’s impressive transformation into Schelemeus.

Although Hades II might feel familiar, adopting the same swift and aggressive playstyle as in Hades will end in swift defeat.

Melinoë’s gameplay deviates significantly from Zagreus, offering a slower and more methodical approach. With unique abilities like the ability to slow down enemies with her cast and a focus on magical attacks, players must adapt their strategy to leverage her strengths effectively.

Embracing a more magical playstyle with Mel provides a refreshing change, introducing new mechanics and challenges compared to its predecessor.

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Witchcraft! — Image: Nintendo Life / Supergiant Games

Experimentation is key in Hades II, with a wide array of boons, skills, and upgrades to explore alongside Mel. The diverse options and strategic choices add a layer of depth and satisfaction to the gameplay experience.

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No dog — but you can pet the frog — Image: Nintendo Life / Supergiant Games

With a promising Early Access version that already surpasses the original Hades in content, Hades II sets the stage for a remarkable gaming experience. The ongoing updates and planned enhancements further fuel excitement for the full release, potentially on the horizon in 2025.

Have you checked out Hades II in Early Access yet? Or are you replaying the first game to satiate your appetite? Let us know in the comments.