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Syndra emerges as the top contender for the best 2-cost unit in TFT Set 12, and her dominance is expected to continue until the next patch arrives. As an Eldritch Incantor, Syndra specializes in swiftly taking down frontline units with the protection of her allied Old God. To make a successful climb in the Magic n’ Mayhem set’s first few weeks, this guide will offer insights into playing the Eldritch Vanguard Syndra build.

Eldritch Vanguard Syndra

The core of this composition revolves around Syndra, Mordekaiser, and Galio as key units. These 2- and 3-cost champions can be acquired at levels 6 to 7. A crucial aspect of the build is activating 4 Vanguards to establish a sturdy frontline while maintaining 3 Eldritch units to summon The Tainted Golem Old God.

One of the main strategies in this build is to empower Syndra to unleash her potential by allowing her enough time to activate her powerful passive ability. With successive casts, Syndra can spread her ability to other units, making her a potent DPS character capable of swiftly clearing out enemy frontlines due to her ability to shred Magic Resist. Achieving a 3-Star Syndra is essential for maximizing her overall damage output.

How to Play Eldritch Vanguard Syndra

To set yourself up for success with this build, it’s crucial to aim for a 3-Star Syndra early on, preferably before the mid-rounds of Stage 4. A recommended strategy is to pursue a 5-Win/Lose Streak. However, it’s important to note that this composition may face challenges if you encounter strong competition or if multiple players are pursuing the Eldritch Vanguard build.

Early Game Plan

Upon committing to this build, the initial focus should be on establishing a solid composition once Syndra is obtained. Consider fielding champions like Syndra, Ashe, Elise, and Jayce together. If by level 5 you manage to acquire Mordekaiser and Nilah, you can field 5 Eldritch units until level 6. Prioritize equipping Syndra with items if you aim to maintain a winning streak. It’s advisable to avoid overspending on units and preserve at least 40 gold by the end of Stage 2.

Heading into Stage 3, aim to reach level 6 quickly and steadily increase your gold reserve above 50. Focus on buying and refreshing your champions only when you have excess gold above 50 and wait for the next round to maintain interest. The goal is to maximize your earnings from reaching the 50-gold mark, which grants a bonus of +5 gold.

Mid Game Plan

By level 6, your composition should include champions such as Galio, Mordekaiser, Syndra, Ashe, Elise/Nami, and Nilah, essentially forming a lineup of 2 Vanguard and 5 Eldritch units. Strive to secure 2-star units, particularly Morde and Syndra, while ensuring they receive appropriate itemization. Here are the core item units for your main champions:

Core Item Units


  • Shojin + Nashor + Jeweled Gauntlet
  • Shojin + Nashor + Red Buff


  • Gargoyle Stoneplate + Dragon’s Claw + Warmog’s Armor
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate + Redemption + Steadfast

It is recommended to prioritize itemizing these core units first before focusing on secondary tanks and DPS champions like Galio and Nami. Here are the itemization recommendations for the sub units:

Items for Sub Units


  • Blue Buff + Statikk Shiv + Morellonomicon
  • Rabaddon + Red Buff + Shojin


  • Gargoyle Stoneplate + Sunfire + Steadfast
  • Gargoyle Stoneplate + Redemption + Steadfast

Focus on completing items for the core units first, as completing items for Nami and Galio may be less likely. Only allocate items to them if you have extra components that are not needed elsewhere.

Generally, maintain your composition at level 6 until the early rounds of Stage 4. This stage provides ample time to secure 3-Star Syndra and Galio. In case these star upgrades are not achieved by the mid-game Carousel, progressing to level 7 becomes imperative. The transition to level 7 in the latter part of Stage 4 is critical to enhance your chances of acquiring important units like Nami, Karma, or Tahm Kench.

Late Game Plan

Regardless of obtaining a 3-Star Syndra, leveling up to 7 before Stage 5 is crucial. By this time, consider replacing the 5 Eldritch traits with 4 Vanguard units to bolster your frontline. Here is a comparison of your composition at Level 6 and Level 7:

Level 6

  • Syndra, Mordekaiser, Galio, Nami, Ashe, and Nilah

Level 7

  • Syndra, Mordekaiser, Nami, Galio, Rumble, Tahm Kench, and Vex/Karma

At level 7, aim to acquire either Vex or Karma to activate the 2 Incantor or 2 Mage synergy, enhancing the damage output of your carries. It is recommended to continue slow rolling above 50 to increase the likelihood of obtaining desired units. However, in cases of low HP, consider rolling down to secure a 3-Star Syndra.

If achieving a 3-Star Syndra seems unattainable, prioritize transitioning to make Nami your primary carry and Karma the sub-carry. Higher levels, such as 7 and 8, provide better odds of finding Karma and Nami compared to Syndra. Consequently, redirect your focus towards these champions if the resources and time required for a 3-Star Syndra are insufficient. By level 8, your composition should resemble the following:

Level 8

  • Syndra
  • Mordekaiser
  • Nami
  • Galio
  • Karma
  • Tahm Kench
  • Rumble
  • Vex

An alternate late-game strategy involves activating 5 Eldritch traits, especially if you acquire Briar. In such a scenario, prioritize reaching level 9 to include an additional Eldritch champion and swap Vex for Briar. By this stage, fielding a full team of 10 units should position you favorably for victory.