Best Diablo IV Druid Build and Guide

Druids in Diablo 4: A Guide to Lightning Storm Build

Druids in Diablo 4 are currently in a strong position this season, with more build variety for endgame content. In this guide, we will focus on using the Lightning Storm core skill as the main source of damage, taking advantage of the recent buff to its attack speed. Lightning Storm is not only effective for leveling but also excels in endgame scenarios, providing strong AoE and single-target damage.

When it comes to skills, we recommend utilizing Werewolf skills alongside Lightning Storm. These skills not only offer powerful passive buffs but also synergize well with the Tempest Roar Unique helmet. The Tempest Roar helmet enhances the effectiveness of Lightning Storm by counting Storm skills as Werewolf skills.

Here is the recommended skill order for your hotbar:

  • Cyclone Armor
  • Earthen Bulwark
  • Blood Howl
  • Cataclysm
  • Maul
  • Lightning Storm

Maul will serve as your resource generator for the Spirit gauge, which fuels your Lightning Storm attacks throughout the game. To ensure survival, Cyclone Armor provides damage resistance against non-physical damage and knocks back enemies, while Earthen Bulwark and Blood Howl offer emergency barriers and life healing for tougher Tier 4 content.

Skill Tree Allocation

When allocating skill points for your Druid, focus on the following skills:

  • Maul
  • Enhanced Maul
  • 5 points in Lightning Storm
  • Enhanced Lightning Storm
  • Raging Lightning Storm
  • Predatory Instinct

For Druid Boons, consider selecting the following to enhance your build:

  • Wariness: Take reduced damage from Elites.
  • Avian Wrath: Gain increased Critical Strike Damage.
  • Scythe Talons: Increase Critical Strike Chance.
  • Calamity: Extend the duration of your Ultimate skills.
  • Calm Before the Storm: Reduce Ultimate cooldowns with lucky hits.
Lightning Storm Gear Affixes

When it comes to gear, certain Uniques like Tempest Roar, Unsung Ascetic’s Wraps, and Mjolnic Ryng are essential for your Lightning Storm build. Tempest Roar and Unsung Ascetic’s Wraps enhance Lightning Storm with bonus effects, while Mjolnic Ryng provides unlimited Spirit for Cataclysm.

For the rest of your gear, consider using Legendary Aspects such as Accelerating Aspect and Aspect of the Unsatiated. Additionally, slot Emeralds in your weapon for Critical Strike Damage, Rubies in your armor for extra life, and Diamonds in your jewelry for resistances.

While Legendary equipment is a solid choice, Unique items like Mad Wolf’s Glee and Wildheart Hunger can also add fun options to your build. Mad Wolf’s Glee can make the Werewolf form permanent, boosting Werewolf skills, while Wildheart Hunger provides a stacking damage buff upon shapeshifting.