The Casting of Frank Stone Review

Supermassive Games Dares Players to Be Dead by Daylight

Developer Supermassive Games, known for their interactive slasher movie experiences, is back with a new game called The Casting of Frank Stone. This story-based spin-off of the popular Dead by Daylight universe aims to explore the backstory of The Entity, the malevolent force behind all evil in the game. However, despite the interesting premise, the game falls short due to its outdated gameplay mechanics, lackluster combat, unimpressive characters, and a noticeable absence of scares. Players may find themselves struggling to stay engaged in this six-hour long journey that fails to deliver on its promises.

The Lack of Memorable Characters

The Casting of Frank Stone introduces a completely original cast of characters, which unfortunately does not leave a lasting impression on players. While the main monster, Frank Stone, makes an intimidating appearance in the prologue, he is conspicuously absent for much of the game. The narrative jumps between two time periods – the filming of a horror movie in an abandoned steel mill in 1980 and a mysterious meeting in an English manor in the present day. However, the unremarkable characters and rushed relationships make it difficult for players to connect with the story.

The Casting of Frank Stone Review Screens

The plot progresses slowly, with minimal horror elements and little tension between characters. While some characters like Linda provide moments of humor, the overall dialogue feels forced and unconvincing. The love triangle subplot lacks depth, making it challenging for players to invest in the characters’ relationships and decisions.

I barely batted an eyelid while each leading man was turned into a bleeding man.

As the story unfolds, players encounter the Entity’s cosmic power, revealing intriguing details about the malevolent being. However, the narrative is marred by confusing plot holes and underdeveloped storylines, leaving players feeling unsatisfied with the overall experience.

A Lackluster Gameplay Experience

While The Casting of Frank Stone offers branching story paths and diverse environments, the gameplay fails to captivate players. The repetitive settings and lack of engaging activities make exploration a dull experience. Simple puzzles and quicktime events lack the urgency and thrill found in other horror games, resulting in a lackluster gameplay experience.

Enemy encounters are easily overcome with a camera mechanic that drains the life force of opponents. The lack of real threat or tension diminishes the horror elements, making the game more tedious than terrifying.

Underwhelming Character Deaths

Despite the potential for character deaths, the lack of memorable executions and shocking moments leaves players feeling indifferent to the outcomes. The branching story paths and decision points offer some replay value, allowing players to explore different outcomes. However, the process of revisiting scenes can be cumbersome and tedious, detracting from the overall experience.

Collectibles inspired by Dead by Daylight, such as miniaturized versions of iconic killers, add a fun element to the game. Fans of the multiplayer murder sim may enjoy discovering these hidden gems, but the overall appeal of the game may vary depending on players’ loyalty to the franchise.