Two-thirds of female players still report being harassed when playing online

Addressing Misogyny and Harassment in Gaming Spaces

According to a recent report by Sky News, two-thirds of female players still report being harassed while playing online video games. The report, titled “Why gaming still has a women problem,” sheds light on the prevalence of misogyny and hatred against women in gaming communities, especially on platforms like Discord and in multiplayer games.

Personal Accounts of Harassment

Journalist Mickey Carroll shared her personal experience of being harassed online simply because her profile picture revealed that she was a woman. The abuse she received on Discord was quick and brutal, with the abuser using derogatory language and slurs against her.

Escalation of Abuse

Primary research conducted for the report found that the abuse often starts with sexist comments but can quickly escalate into more threatening behavior, including rape threats and threats of physical harm to the gamer or their family.

Positive Shift in Statistics

The research included around a thousand female gamers from the UK and US, with 72 percent reporting experiences of online toxicity in 2022. However, this number decreased to 65 percent in 2023 – marking the first positive shift in statistics since the research began in 2019. Despite this improvement, it is still concerning that two in three women face online harassment.

Impact on Female Gamers

Despite the decrease in harassment, 20 percent of women gamers choose not to play online due to the fear of being harassed, and one in 10 have been threatened with rape. This fear is echoed by esports professional Mathilde, who described being a woman in gaming as “scary” and emphasized the need for self-confidence.

Combatting Abuse and Promoting Inclusion

Stephanie Ijoma, the founder of the diversity and inclusion agency NNESAGA, highlighted the need to dismantle systems that perpetuate abuse and discrimination in gaming spaces. She emphasized the importance of creating a more inclusive environment for women and minorities in the gaming community.

Support and Resources

For those who have experienced abuse in gaming, the Cybersmile Foundation offers dedicated tools and a global support service to help individuals deal with online harassment. Platforms like Discord have also committed to taking immediate action against harassment and ensuring safety is integrated into their services.