How to kill all characters in The Casting of Frank Stone

The Casting of Frank Stone: Strategies to Eliminate Every Character

Discover the various methods to bring about the demise of each character in The Casting of Frank Stone, with each character facing approximately 5 possible outcomes. This comprehensive guide focuses on the most straightforward approach to ensuring the death of all characters in the game, allowing for a single playthrough where nobody escapes their fate.

How to Terminate Jaime

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The first character that can meet their end is Jaime in Chapter 5: The Phantom of Cedar Steel. During the pivotal moment when Chris is being pulled into the portal door, Jaime will face a crucial decision between “Flee” or “Confront.” To ensure Jaime’s demise, opt for the confrontational approach and intentionally fail the quick-time events associated with the firecrackers. Failure to utilize the firecrackers will result in Frank Stone gruesomely slicing Jaime in half.

Killing Jaime In The Casting Of Frank Stone
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Note that there is a possibility of not having the firecrackers in your inventory, as they can be missed in an earlier chapter. In such a scenario, selecting the confront option will still lead to Jaime’s demise.

How to End Madison’s Life

How To Kill Madison The Casting Of Frank Stone
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Moving on to Madison, who can be eliminated in Chapter 8: Mystery Manor. Following the resolution of the Horologium puzzle, the final objective involves engaging in a quick-time event to activate the central switch. Failing this event will result in Madison meeting a fiery demise.

In case of a missed opportunity in Chapter 8, Madison can still be dispatched in Chapter 14. After the generator and elevator are fixed, opt not to assist Madison when Linda faces a pivotal choice. This decision will lead to Frank Stone capturing Madison, eventually leading to her sacrifice in the game’s concluding sequences.

Devising Chris’s Demise

How To Kill Chris The Casting Of Frank Stone
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Chris’s fate can be sealed in Chapter 10: In the House of Madness. When Chris encounters Madison in the 2024 timeline and is faced with a decision to either return to the past or stay in the present, choose the “Hopeful” option to revisit the past.

The Casting Of Frank Stone How To Kill Chris
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By deliberately failing consecutive quick-time events and refusing to aid Stan during critical moments, Chris will meet a grim fate in the past timeline, setting the stage for Chapter 11: All Paths Must Cross.

If Chris manages to survive beyond this point, an opportunity for his demise presents itself in Chapter 14, contingent on possessing a mirror obtained in Chapter 3. This mirror can be utilized to eliminate Chris by selecting specific choices towards the chapter’s conclusion.

Sam’s Mortal End

How To Kill Sam In The Casting Of Frank Stone
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Sam’s demise can be orchestrated in Chapter 13: Murder Mill, by engaging in a showdown with Frank Stone using the cursed camera found in the underground tunnel. Failing to combat Frank Stone with the camera will lead to Sam’s brutal demise, subsequently witnessed by Robert.

In 2024 during Chapter 14, an alternate opportunity arises to eliminate Sam by making a sacrificial choice, resulting in Sam becoming a victim of Frank Stone’s sinister grasp.

Silencing Linda

How To Kill Linda Casting Of Frank Stone
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Finishing off Linda can be achieved in Chapter 14: The Massacre of Gerant Manor, by making calculated decisions during a confrontation with Frank Stone. Opting to pursue the chase with Frank Stone and failing specific quick-time events will culminate in Linda’s untimely demise, altering the game’s outcome significantly.

The Indestructible Robert

Inexplicably, Robert remains impervious to all attempts at elimination in The Casting of Frank Stone, emerging unscathed from the game’s events regardless of the choices made throughout the playthroughs.

Bonnie’s Predetermined End

Fortunately for players, Bonnie’s fate is sealed irrespective of the decisions made during the game. In Chapter 13: Murder Mill, Bonnie meets her demise through a horrific hanging, bleeding out as a consequence.

Stan’s Inevitable Demise

Similarly to Bonnie, Stan’s fate is preordained in The Casting of Frank Stone. Players can choose how Stan meets his end, either by failing a crucial quick-time event in Chapter 14 leading to his consumption by Frank Stone, or by succeeding in a rescue attempt only to witness Stan being ruthlessly dispatched by Frank Stone.

Armed with knowledge of how to dispatch every character in The Casting of Frank Stone, players can navigate through an “everyone dies” playthrough. For those seeking a different outcome, our guide on saving all characters in The Casting of Frank Stone offers a pathway to a less brutal conclusion in this gripping game.

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