How to Heal in Elder Scrolls Castles

How to Heal in Elder Scrolls Castles

As you advance in Elder Scrolls Castles, your quests will become more challenging, and your units may get injured, hindering your progress. Fortunately, there are several ways to heal your units on the go so you can continue your adventures. Here’s a guide on how to heal in Elder Scrolls Castles to keep completing quests and earning rewards:

  1. Assign them to the Buffet
  2. Use a Healing Potion on them
  3. Equip Weapons that heal on hit

Heal Using the Buffet

If you find yourself without any healing potions, you may be wondering how to heal your units to send them back out on quests or the gauntlet. The Buffet is a station you can construct inside your castle that allows you to quickly restore your units. This station becomes available at Dynast level 22. Once built, you can assign up to three units to heal over time at the Buffet. Healing their health is faster than recovering their happiness. Simply click on a unit card at the Buffet to see the waiting time until they fully recover.

Heal Using Healing Potions

Healing units with potions can be done in two ways. During battle, when a healing potion icon appears above a unit’s picture, clicking it will heal the unit. However, this method may lead to failing certain objectives. Alternatively, you can heal units outside battle by clicking on the healing potion icon on a unit’s card on the map assignment screen. This approach allows you to heal without jeopardizing objectives and can also be used while a unit is at your castle.

Equip Weapons That Heal on Hit

Equipping weapons that heal your units with each attack can be beneficial. For instance, upgrading an Iron Sword to restore health by a percentage of the damage inflicted can help in early stages of the game. While this method may not be as reliable against tougher enemies, it can prevent unnecessary deaths and save time spent healing at the buffet. Combining this method with the others can be highly effective.

With these healing techniques in mind, you can now focus on completing more quests and gauntlet runs in Elder Scrolls Castles. Be sure to visit our Elder Scrolls Castles hub for additional guides like How to Farm Gold to always have enough resources for your constructions and upgrades!