I Am Your Beast Review

I Am Your Beast: A Review

I Am Your Beast is a fast-paced first-person shooter that prioritizes quick, efficient slaughter. While you can stumble through levels haphazardly, the true challenge lies in optimizing your killing paths to achieve the best completion times. This results in a three-hour adrenaline rush filled with cel-shaded bullets, smooth controls, and an intense soundtrack. However, the game’s focus on speed leaves little room for a deep, engaging plot.

The Plot Unfolds

The narrative in I Am Your Beast draws inspiration from action movies like First Blood and Commando. The protagonist, Alphonse Harding, is thrust back into action by his former military superior for one final mission. As the story progresses, players navigate through mini-sandbox shootouts with minimal cutscenes and rely on text-based radio chats to drive the plot forward.

While the storytelling may feel simplistic, it provides brief pauses between intense combat sequences. However, the lack of character development and primitive presentation detract from the overall impact of the story’s conclusion.

I Am Your Beast Review Screens

Engaging in Frenzied Combat

I Am Your Beast’s combat mechanics prioritize frenzied action over tactics. Players must quickly adapt to the relentless pace of battle, using any weapon at their disposal to swiftly dispatch enemies. The game encourages fast-paced, high-energy gameplay by emphasizing speed and efficiency in combat scenarios.

[I Am Your Beast is] all about brutally blasting heads at blurry, breakneck speed.

The controls are responsive, allowing players to execute swift movements and dynamic kills with ease. Every encounter is filled with fast-paced action, pushing players to think and act quickly to survive each onslaught.

Survival of the Fittest

I Am Your Beast presents challenging scenarios that test players’ skills and resourcefulness. From intense firefights against armored enemies to strategic sabotage missions, the game keeps players on their toes and engaged throughout the campaign.

My transformation from rambling fool to Rambo-like killing tool felt enormously satisfying.

While some aspects of the game, such as achieving S-tier rankings, may feel excessive, the overall sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from overcoming formidable odds is rewarding. The game’s bonus levels and objectives add depth and longevity to the gameplay experience, providing additional challenges for dedicated players.

Despite its thrilling gameplay and replayability, I Am Your Beast falls short in certain areas, lacking the diversity and standout features found in other similar titles. While it delivers an exciting and fast-paced experience, it may not leave a lasting impression compared to its competitors.