Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Review


Quidditch, as it was portrayed in the Harry Potter series, was never really meant to be a legitimate sport. It served its purpose in showcasing Harry’s exceptional skills, almost overshadowing the other players on the pitch. However, Unbroken Studios faced the challenge of converting this fictional sport into a playable game with Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions. Surprisingly, they managed to strike a balance between staying true to the source material and creating an engaging quidditch experience. While the in-game action is captivating, the game falls short in providing content outside of matches.


In Quidditch Champions, the gameplay closely resembles what fans have seen in the books and movies. The positions – Chasers, Keepers, Beaters, and Seekers – all play their roles in a familiar manner. However, Unbroken Studios implemented some rule modifications to enhance gameplay. Notably, the Seeker no longer holds the sole spotlight, allowing other positions to shine. Matches conclude either upon reaching 100 points or when the timer expires, and the importance of the Golden Snitch has been adjusted, making the search for it more strategic and engaging.


The rule changes introduced by Unbroken Studios have significantly improved the game. Chasers now play a more pivotal role, maintaining the balance between scoring and seeking the Snitch. The presence of a single Beater per team adds depth to the gameplay, creating opportunities for strategic gameplay without overshadowing other positions. These adjustments ensure that every action on the pitch contributes to the overall excitement of the game.

Smart changes make for a better, more fun version of quidditch.

Ultimately, the updates result in a more enjoyable and competitive quidditch experience. Each position offers unique gameplay mechanics, allowing players to explore different roles and strategies seamlessly. The flexibility to switch positions mid-game adds another layer of depth, enhancing the overall gameplay.


Playing Quidditch Champions with friends elevates the experience, offering cooperative gameplay or competitive 3v3 matches online. Coordinating with teammates and strategizing together adds a new dimension to the game. The ability to swap between positions provides a dynamic and engaging multiplayer experience, emphasizing teamwork and coordination.


Despite the engaging gameplay, Quidditch Champions lacks content outside of matches. The limited career mode, consisting of four Cups, offers a brief solo experience. However, the repetitive nature of the Cups and the lack of progression tracking in co-op play diminish the overall appeal. The game’s customization options, while robust, are hindered by progression issues, requiring players to grind through single-player matches to unlock items.

The absence of additional game modes leaves Quidditch Champions feeling somewhat barebones. However, the character customization options add depth to the game, allowing players to personalize their experience. Unlocking iconic characters from the Harry Potter universe is possible through in-game currency or progression, without the presence of microtransactions currently.