PSVR 2 Wireless Headset May Have Been Leaked by Sony

PSVR 2 Rumors: Is Wireless VR on the Horizon?

Players are buzzing with speculation after a recent discovery on the PS Blog. Sony’s latest PS5 system update introduced a ‘Welcome Hub’ feature, offering players widgets that display battery levels for various accessories. In a screenshot showcasing this feature, a battery level icon for the PSVR 2 headset was spotted.

Since the PSVR 2 headset is known to be wired, this discovery has raised eyebrows. It’s important to note that the Sense controllers have their own battery information icon, so there’s no confusion there.

Sony’s decision to replace the original screenshot has only added fuel to the fire. The original screenshot displaying the PSVR headset charging icon can be seen below, thanks to Reddit user Divisionlo:

Speculations are now running wild as to whether this was a legitimate leak of a wireless VR headset or just a simple oversight. It’s possible that an artist mistakenly included the image in the mock screenshot, which went unnoticed before being published.

Only time will tell what Sony has in store for the future of VR gaming.