All Frostpunk 2 Factions & How to Gain Their Trust


Survival by whatever means the Captain deems necessary. They won’t complain so long as the Captain provides for the community with good decisions.

Can Tighten Belts to reduce food demand in exchange for increased Hunger.

Playable during the prologue. After that, you encounter them during Chapter 3 and can befriend them so long as you didn’t remove the Corpses from the oil and gave them some Oil stores. They are then a community you can interact with on and off.

Make sure they don’t face undue hardships before and during the whiteout. Only Slaughter the Seals if necessary, and don’t sacrifice the Elders.

New Londoners

Progress by any means, and specifically through aggressive production and expansion. Tend to lean more toward Tradition, and eager to automate the workforce for efficiency.

Can Deradicalize Stalwarts or Deradicalize Faithkeepers Factions depending on which story you choose, reducing their Fervour by one count.

Available at the start of chapter one, and a constant Faction from that point onward.

Research ideas that they align with and pass Laws they’re in favor of. Create Buildings they proposed or that support Progress, and ensure all needs are met throughout the city without raising Squalor, Hunger, Cold, Crime, or Disease.


Expansion across the Frostland and Adaptation via practices that acknowledge the new way of the world. They’re also more supportive of less invasive practices which only take as much as necessary from the land.

Can Deradicalize Evolvers or Deradicalize Pilgrims Factions depending on which story you choose, reducing their Fervour by one count.

Available at the start of chapter one, and are are a constant Faction from that point onward.

Pass Laws which prioritize the exploration of the Frostlands and encourage people to use natural means of surviving the Frost. Create buildings which help to maximize resources through natural means like Hothouses, and embrace a workforce which adapts to the cold.


Value Tradition and Equality above all else. They want to keep relying on the Generator and find new ways to make it stronger, while also exploring ways to reduce the strain of work and survival on the populace.

Can Hold Prayers and give Baptisms to increase trust and reduce Tension, but in exchange for recruiting more of the populace to join them.

Available at the start of the Faith story, and are a constant Faction from that point onward.

Pass Laws that encourage Equality and Tradition such as Traditional Funerals and Mandatory Unions. Create buildings like Subsidized Housing, and research technologies which automate the workforce thorough automatons.


Certain that Reason, Progress, and Adaptation are the way to overcome the Frost. Strong proponents of Science and innovation, and believe Merit should determine who gets what resources.

Can Train and Enhance your workforce to make them more effective workers, but choosing to Enhance workers comes with the risk of death due to its experimental nature.

Near the end of Chapter 1, they emerge as a new faction. Worth noting that they have more or less trust in you based on how often you sided with the Faithkeepers.

Pass Laws which reward people based on how much they work, and that encourage change in order to survive the Frost. Create Buildings that push scientific discovery forward such as Teaching Hospitals, and prioritize efficiency over lowered Tension.


An aggressive faction who value Merit, Progress, and Reason. They want a society where hard workers rise above the rest, and where the Steward chases promising new ways to overcome the Frost through whatever means they see fit.

Can Mobilise Enforcers to send out elite guards from their faction to increase your available Guards.

Available at the start of Chapter 1 so long as you chose the Order storyline.

Pass Laws that advance new technologies and reward those who perform the best. Advance a society where workers are made to provide the most output possible, and maintain absolute control through violent means.


Adaptation to the Frost is key, but only if the Steward can maintain Tradition and Equality among the people. Widespread kindness and understanding can help New London expand across the Frostland for maximum benefit to all.

Can Deploy guides to increase the speed of Expeditions and help you explore the Frostlands or set up Trails and Skylines much more quickly.

Near the end of Chapter 1, they emerge as a new faction. Worth noting that they have more or less trust in you based on how often you sided with the Stalwarts.

Prioritize Laws that increase Equality and reduce strain on workers. Support Adaptation initiatives from them and the Frostlanders, and create buildings that help people free of charge such as Subsidized Housing.


A mix of people from different factions, all united in their desire to run colonies efficiently.

No Special abilities.

After you set up your first separate city at the Old Dreadnaught, the people you send there become this Faction.

Ensure their basic needs are met while they harvest resources for New London


Detained residents who harbor ill will toward certain Factions. They’ll look upon you fondly if you bring them along in your quest for Captain’s Authority and Rule.

Can join the ranks of your Guards to bolster their numbers.

When you detain violent protesters, members of the protesting Factions are turned into this new Faction. They remain available for recruitment into your Guards until their sentences end.

Either enlist them into your Guards or let them serve out their sentences without exiling them to the Frostland.