Black Ops 6: Radio Signal Puzzle Solution and Safe Code

In Black Ops 6, players are faced with a challenging Radio Signal Puzzle that must be solved in order to upgrade the Safehouse. If you’re struggling to figure it out, here’s a helpful guide to get you through it.

How to Solve the Radio Signal Puzzle in Black Ops 6

When you reach the room following the signal, you’ll encounter an Oscilloscope and your task is to tune the radio to uncover a secret message. Here’s how you can crack this puzzle:

  1. Hack the computer and lockpick your way to the room.
  2. Use the controller’s left and right stick to align the frequency on the Oscilloscope.
  3. Match the waves to complete the first part of the puzzle.

How to Get the Safehouse Safe Code

Upon completing the frequency minigame, listen carefully to the message from the voice. The message mentions four objects that act as the safe code. Be sure to pay attention to the details and jot down the numbers associated with each object in the correct order.

For example, if the message mentions a couch, wife’s purse, calendar, and memorial flag, and the corresponding numbers are 3, 1, 7, 6, then that’s your safe code.

After deciphering the safe code, head upstairs to the safe in the safehouse, input the code, and unlock it to claim your $1000 money reward. Congratulations on solving the Radio Signal Puzzle in Black Ops 6!