In its third episode, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew delves deeper into the central storylines, with the kids pursuing a lead that may bring them closer to their homeworld of At Attin. Meanwhile, the adults, including Jude Law’s new crew member character, introduce hints to the larger mysteries of the show. This episode sets a tone that suggests the formula of episodic adventures could work well for the series.
Jude Law’s character, Jod Na Nawood, takes center stage in “Very Interesting, As An Astrogration Problem.” His true identity remains a mystery – is he a disgraced pirate, a feared criminal, or perhaps even a Jedi? While he never explicitly claims to be a Jedi, his subtle displays of Force powers lead the kids to believe so. This ambiguity adds an intriguing layer to the narrative.
Unraveling the Mysteries
The plot revolving around At Attin unfolds further in this episode, shedding light on the planet’s obscured history. However, the real intrigue lies in Nawood’s enigmatic persona. The show smartly avoids treating its audience as naive, with some of the kids questioning the authenticity of Nawood’s Jedi claims. This dynamic adds depth to the characters and the overall story.
As the series progresses, viewers are encouraged to ponder the origins of Nawood’s powers and his multiple identities. The narrative strikes a balance between engaging younger audiences and crafting compelling mysteries for all viewers to enjoy.
Jude Law’s Performance
Given the predominantly youthful and CGI-heavy cast, Jude Law’s portrayal is pivotal to the show’s success. In this episode, he delivers a performance that carries the weight of his character adequately. While not groundbreaking, Law effectively embodies the essence of a rough-around-the-edges mentor figure. Further interactions between Law and the young cast members promise to showcase his acting prowess.
Exploring New Characters and Humor
In addition to Law’s character, the introduction of Kh’ymm, portrayed by guest star Alia Shawkat, adds a fresh and whimsical element to the series. Kh’ymm’s unique design and quirky personality hint at the show’s creative potential in crafting diverse and engaging alien characters.
The show’s comedic undertones, though at times subtle, contribute to its overall charm. While some jokes may miss the mark, recurring gags like SM-33’s tiny companion add a layer of humor that, if further developed, could enhance the show’s comedic appeal.