All 9 Fisch Elf Locations with GPS Coordinates

All Elf Locations in Fisch

Embark on a journey across 9 different islands in Fisch to spread the Fischmas cheer by giving gifts to the Elves. Here are the GPS coordinates for each Elf location:

  1. Moosewood – GPS Coordinates: 400.0, 136.0, 305.0
  2. Mushgrove Swamp – GPS Coordinates: 2405.5, 136, -733.2
  3. Snowcap Island – GPS Coordinates: 2577.6, 130.7, 2437.1
  4. Sunstone Island – GPS Coordinates: -894.0, 133.0, -1112.0
  5. Terrapin Island – GPS Coordinates: -176.6, 130.7, 1884
  6. Forsaken Shores – GPS Coordinates: -2494.4, 130.5, 1455.1
  7. Ancient Isle – GPS Coordinates: 5811.5, 147.2, 264.9
  8. Statue of Sovereignty – GPS Coordinates: 44.0, 144.0, -1030.0
  9. Roslit Bay – GPS Coordinates: -1918.0, 499.0, 162.0

Moosewood Elf Location

Find the Moosewood Elf standing next to the Advent Calendar Elf, close to where you purchase bait crates in Fisch.

GPS Coordinates: 400.0, 136.0, 305.0

Mushgrove Swamp Elf Location

mushgrove swamp elf

Search for the Mushgrove Swamp Elf perched on a rock near some large mushrooms. The GPS coordinates are 2405.5, 136, -733.2.

Snowcap Island Elf Location

snowcap island elf

Discover the Snowcap Elf standing by some ice near the Shipwright as you land on Snowcap Island.

GPS Coordinates: 2577.6, 130.7, 2437.1

Sunstone Island Elf Location

sunstone island elf

Locate the Sunstone Island Elf by the shore, next to the Angler on Sunstone Island.

GPS Coordinates: -894.0, 133.0, -1112.0

Terrapin Island Elf Location

terrapin island elf

Find the Elf near the Shipwright under some palm trees on Terrapin Island.

GPS Coordinates: -176.6, 130.7, 1884

Forsaken Shores Elf Location

forsaken shores elf gps coordinates

Visit the Forsaken Shores Elf standing on a broken wooden pier near the Cannon.

GPS Coordinates: -2494.4, 130.5, 1455.1

Ancient Isle Elf Location

ancient isle location elf

Head to the Ancient Isle to find the Elf near a giant Candy Cane next to the waterfall.

GPS Coordinates: 5811.5, 147.2, 264.9

Statue of Sovereignty Elf Location

statue of sovereignty elf

Search for the Elf standing near the ladders below the entrance leading to the Keepers Altar at the Statue of Sovereignty.

GPS Coordinates: 44.0, 144.0, -1030.0

Roslit Bay Elf Location

roslit bay volcano elf location

Conquer the challenging platforming section to reach the Roslit Bay Elf at the top of the volcano. Follow the Candy Canes leading to the top, but be cautious of the lava!

GPS Coordinates: -1918.0, 499.0, 162.0