A Party in Hell: 33 Immortals is a Damned Good Time

Exploring the Depths of 33 Immortals

Upon encountering my third demise in the fiery realm of 33 Immortals, it dawned on me that venturing alone through this treacherous landscape is a perilous endeavor. Fueled by unwavering hubris, I embarked on a journey through the Inferno, a realm inspired by Dante’s “Divine Comedy,” teeming with infernal creatures, monstrous beasts, and tormented souls all rendered in exquisite hand-drawn animation. While my prior experience with ARPGs led me to believe that I could single-handedly stave off the horde of enemies, I was swiftly proven wrong. It was only when I joined forces with other Rebel Souls, fellow players united in purpose, that my passage through Hell became slightly more bearable.

The Epic World of 33 Immortals

Positioning itself as a condensed MMO raid experience, 33 Immortals presents an action-packed roguelike adventure where 33 players are thrust into a vast world ravaged by flames, dotted with charred remnants of buildings and jagged stone formations, all besieged by a horde of formidable monsters.

Conquering the Inferno

The initial phase of the game revolves around structured progression. Your ultimate objective is to vanquish Lucifer, the powerful overseer of the Inferno. However, before you can confront this formidable adversary, you must collaborate with other players to unlock an Ascension Battle, a prerequisite to reaching Lucifer. This involves completing a series of 12 Torture Chambers, compact raid encounters where groups of up to six players engage in battle against multiple waves of monstrous foes. By successfully conquering these challenges, you acquire valuable loot and resources to enhance your character, fortify your capabilities, and increase your chances of overcoming subsequent trials.

This layered approach to completing your roguelike “run” presents an exhilarating yet demanding gameplay experience. Despite only managing to navigate through three Torture Chambers before succumbing to the relentless onslaught of creatures, I discovered that progress made in completing these chambers carries over even upon resurrection. The presence of a sizable group of fellow Souls significantly boosts your chances of survival, underscoring the importance of synergy among players through coordinated attacks and leveraging diverse class abilities.

Strategic Class Abilities and Combat Dynamics

Prior to venturing into the Inferno, players are tasked with selecting one of four weapons, each of which corresponds to a specific class: Bow of Hope (Shooter), Sword of Justice (Tank), Daggers of Greed (Fighter), and Staff of Sloth (Specialist). These weapons feature primary and secondary attacks contingent upon dealing damage to enemies to build up respective gauges.

33 Immortals Screenshot

For instance, utilizing the Sword of Justice generates ‘Justice’ points that can be expended to execute special attacks like Heavy Slash or Guard. Meanwhile, the Daggers of Greed empower players with ‘Greed’ accumulated from successful hits, dictating the potency of takedown maneuvers. Personally, I found the Bow of Hope particularly appealing due to its capacity to maintain a safe distance from enemy assaults. The Guiding Light feature, allowing arrows to penetrate through monsters on the return path to the quiver, facilitated strategic positioning and amplified damage output.

Unveiling Currency Systems and Resource Management

33 Immortals encompasses three forms of currency integral to the player’s progression. Dust, acquired by defeating adversaries, can be utilized at the Dust Shrine to enhance attributes such as Attack, Vitality (Health), and Empathy (Co-op). Bones, scattered throughout Urns and world chests in Inferno, serve as a means to procure healing items, teleport stones for swift traversal across the world map, or keys to unlock exclusive loot chests housed within Torture Chambers. Shards, concealed within Torture Chamber chests, are allocated towards weapon enhancements and other acquisitions within the Dark Woods, an area pivotal to your journey.

33 Immortals Screenshot

Empowering your character, refining class proficiencies, and engaging in seamless cooperation with fellow players are essential components for navigating Inferno successfully. The diverse array of currencies attainable within the game contributes to augmenting these aspects, underscoring the collaborative essence of 33 Immortals.