Diablo 4 presents players with plenty of opportunities to try out quests. Outside of the standard campaign story, you may grab optional side quests offered by NPCs who have little blue exclamation marks above their heads. However, they’re not the only ones who can set you on such journeys. One quest you may find is called ‘Secret of the Spring,’ and if offers a riddle to solve in Diablo 4.
Secret of the Spring quest: How to solve the riddle in Diablo 4
The Secret of the Spring quest is one that pops up rather early in your journey. But it’s also a bit elusive. Just north of the town of Kyovashad is where you need to go. Hidden there is a dungeon called the Forsaken Quarry. To get to it, you may need to hop a short gap. Near the dungeon entrance is a ladder leading up to a ledge. Here is where you find a small note with a rather peculiar riddle: “Beacon of warmth in winter’s embrace, patience rewarded by nature’s own grace.”
The Secret of the Spring quest riddle leads you here in Diablo 4. Screenshot by PC Invasion
It’s a real head-scratcher, but it’s not impossible to solve. Your first step is to head further north, following the blue circle seen in the above map. Once you’re there, you stumble upon a hot spring breaking through the snow-covered ground. This, of course, is the “Beacon of warmth in winter’s embrace.” It’s the only point of interest in that area, and there’s nothing nearby to activate or click on. So, what now?

Screenshot by PC Invasion
To solve the Secret of the Spring quest in Diablo 4, you need only to consider the second part of the riddle: “patience rewarded.” Hold the ‘E key,’ or whatever button you have your emote wheel set to. Click on ‘Customize’ and scroll through the list to find the ‘Wait’ emote. It shouldn’t be assigned yet. Assign it to an empty slot in the wheel, and then use the ‘Wait’ emote near the pool. A treasure chest will burst from the ground just above it, and the quest will be complete.

Screenshot by PC Invasion
Diablo 4 is available on Battle.net.