Rust – How Many Satchels to Destroy Doors: Wood, Garage, and Sheet Metal

Raiding can be tough in Rust if the person you want to defeat has incredibly sturdy doors. If your only weapon is the satchel charge, then taking down a door can be a long endeavor.

Satchel charges are one of the weakest explosives in the game, but it is the best tool in the early game to bring down weak doors and walls.

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If you know how to get satchels in Rust, then it won’t matter how many you need to destroy a door. However, depending on the material, you will need to know how many you need to make before embarrassing yourself.

So, here is how many satchels you will need to destroy a wooden, garage, and sheet metal door in Rust.

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How Many Satchels to Destroy a Wooden Door in Rust

A wooden door in Rust has 200 HP, and it isn’t that resistant to damage. A single satchel charge will take around 150 HP from the door.

You will need 2 satchels to destroy a wooden door in Rust. However, we would recommend using only one since the remaining 50 HP can easily be destroyed using a different weapon.

It doesn’t matter which side of the door you face when you deploy the satchel. It will take the same amount of damage no matter what. So, shoot it a few times with some incendiary rounds, and that remaining 50 HP will disappear in seconds.

This is the amount of gun powder that you will need to make 2 satchels and destroy a wooden door: 480 gun powder/960 sulfur.

How Many Satchels to Destroy a Garage Door in Rust

The garage door in Rust has 600 HP, and it is much more resistant than the previous door. A single satchel charge will take around 61 HP from the garage door.

This means that players will have to use 10 satchels to destroy a garage door in Rust. After using 9 satchel charges, you will be left with around 51 HP for the door, so you can decide for yourself if it would be worth it to use another satchel or not.

Nine satchels can be a lot to use on a single door and usually, players that use garage doors also have a secondary garage door. This is why it might be best to go for the normal doors, as long as they aren’t armored.

This is the amount of gun powder that you will need to make 10 satchels and destroy a garage door: 2400 gun powder/4800 sulfur.

The sheet metal door in Rust has 250 HP and it is as resistant to damage as the garage door. This means that a single satchel charge will deal 61 HP damage again.

You will need 5 satchels to destroy a sheet metal door in Rust. However, if you only use 4 satchels, the door will be left with 6 HP. So, it would be best to just hit it with anything else besides a satchel charge, as it would be a huge waste.

If you are wondering if sheet metal double doors require more satchels, then don’t worry. They have the exact same amount of HP as a normal sheet metal door. This is why they are a bit of a waste of resources.

This is the amount of gun powder that you will need to make 5 satchels and destroy a sheet metal door: 1200 gun powder/2400 sulfur.

That’s everything you need to know about how many satchels you need to destroy wooden, garage, and sheet metal doors in Rust!

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