Don’t Starve Together – How to Weave

Discovering Don’t Starve Together: Weaving and Obtaining Skins

The world of Don’t Starve Together is vast and full of exciting biomes, plants, characters, and items. If you want to enhance your gaming experience even more, the game offers the option to purchase in-game skins using real money. However, there is also a free but more time-consuming way to obtain these luxurious skins through the weave feature.

Are you interested in learning how to weave in Don’t Starve Together? You’re in the right place! Keep reading to find out how.

Table of Contents

How to Weave in Don’t Starve Together

Aside from purchasing skins or watching Twitch streams, you can use Spools to weave items in Don’t Starve Together. Follow these steps to weave an item:

  1. Select the Item Collection menu from the game’s main menu.
  2. Choose your desired item by clicking on any character on the right. This will display the items associated with that specific character.
  3. Alternatively, click on the Curio Cabinet in the left menu to open your inventory. Here, you’ll find your Spools, Klei points, and all item categories.
  4. To check if an item can be woven, simply click on it. If you see the Weave button at the bottom, it means the item is weaveable.

You can also use the filter above the item list to quickly view all weaveable items. Use the following configuration:

  • Owned Filter: Off
  • Weaveable Filter: On

This filter can be applied to any category, such as Belongings, Beards, Emotes, Emoticons, Portrait Frames, Profile Icons, and Vignettes.

Once you’ve chosen the item you want to weave, click on the Weave button at the bottom corner.

Obtaining Spools in Don’t Starve Together

The only way to obtain Spools is by unraveling items. The amount of Spools you receive from unraveling depends on the item’s rarity:

Item RaritySpools from unravelingCost to Weave

To check if an item can be unraveled, click on it. If you see the Unravel button at the bottom or the word “Woven” before its name, it means the item can be unraveled.

Keep in mind that obtaining enough Spools to weave items can be challenging, as you are likely to receive common or classy items from weekly chests. Therefore, use your Spools wisely and prioritize weaving Elegant items. You can obtain other rarities from weekly chests or the Trade Inn.

That’s how you weave in Don’t Starve Together!

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