Pride Month 2023: How diversity and creativity go hand in hand at King | Pocket

Sabrina Carmona Discusses the Success and Diversity of Farm Heroes Saga

King, the gaming company behind popular titles like Candy Crush Saga and Farm Heroes Saga, has achieved tremendous success in the mobile gaming market. Farm Heroes Saga, in particular, stands out as a diverse and inclusive gaming experience that encourages developers to express their individuality. In honor of Pride month, we spoke with Sabrina Carmona, Head of Farm Heroes Saga, about the importance of creativity and diversity in game development.

Taking Pride in Individuality

In an interview with, Carmona shared her journey in the gaming industry and how she found her passion for creating diverse and representative games. As a proud gay female Latina, Carmona brings a unique perspective to her role as Head of Farm Heroes Saga. She emphasizes the importance of personal expression and encourages her team to infuse their personalities into the creative process.

The Popularity of Farm Heroes Saga

Farm Heroes Saga has garnered a massive following over the past nine years. Carmona believes that its success stems from the emotional connection players have with its characters. The crops and animals in the game have human-like features, evoking a nurturing instinct in players. Additionally, the game’s retro-chic aesthetic and quirky features contribute to its appeal and freshness.

Innovations in Farm Heroes Saga

Farm Heroes Saga constantly introduces new features and content to keep players engaged. The game recently launched Farm Seasons, allowing players to participate in seasonal challenges and earn rewards. The Fill The Basket challenge has also been enhanced to provide bonus points for collecting specific cropsies. Carmona ensures that there is always something new happening in the game to keep players excited.

Personalization and Inclusivity

Farm Heroes Saga has opened up personalization options for players, fostering a sense of ownership and creativity. Players can now create their own teams, invite friends, and participate in team-based competitions and events. Carmona believes in championing diversity of thought and experience, allowing developers to customize features and draw inspiration from their own identities and backgrounds. This level of personalization adds depth and authenticity to the game.

Celebrating Pride in Farm Heroes Saga

Pride month holds personal significance for Carmona, and she is proud to work for a company that celebrates and represents LGBTQ+ communities. Although the format of Farm Heroes Saga cannot change drastically, the game turns rainbow-colored during Pride season. Special events and challenges themed around Pride are introduced, encouraging players to earn colorful rewards and prizes. King also marks other significant moments that matter to their players throughout the year.

Catering to the Community

Listening to the needs and interests of players is crucial to the success of Farm Heroes Saga. Carmona emphasizes the importance of seeking feedback and adjusting their vision accordingly. For example, when a new artwork refresh did not resonate with players, the team focused on upgrading core gameplay rather than forcing a new aesthetic. By understanding their audience, King can cater to the diverse needs and preferences of their player base.

Promoting Diversity Behind the Scenes

King is actively working on improving diversity within their company. They aim to have 45% women and non-binary joiners by 2025. Carmona believes that a diverse team leads to better game development by incorporating different perspectives and experiences. Supporting diversity and creating an inclusive work environment is a priority for King and the Farm Heroes Saga team.