How to craft a Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite

How to Get and Build the Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite boasts a wide array of items, but managing and storing these items can be quite challenging, especially with the limited stack sizes and the abundance of resources needed. The Small Chest just doesn’t suffice for long-term storage, making the Medium Chest a desirable upgrade for players.

Unlocking the Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite

If you’re eager to craft the Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite, you’ll first need to unlock the recipe for it, which requires progression in the game. Upgrading your Crafting Bench is essential for accessing uncommon tools to gather uncommon materials. By building the uncommon Forest Axe and harvesting Knotroot in the caves, you can gather the necessary resources to build the uncommon Pickaxe, which allows you to collect Marble deposits. These resources are vital for unlocking the recipe for the Medium Chest.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Processing Marble Slabs with the Stone Breaker station will unlock the recipe for the Medium Chest. Stocking up on Knotroot and Marble is crucial, as you’ll need these resources to build multiple Medium Chests.

Building the Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite

To construct the Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite, you’ll require 8 Knotroot and 6 Marble Slabs. These resources will be readily available once you’ve unlocked the recipe. Having an ample supply of these items is crucial to address the persistent storage issues in the game.

With the Medium Chests in place, you can now venture into the world of LEGO Fortnite without worrying about storage limitations for a while!

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