Call of Duty ‘Codmas’ event announced for Modern Warfare 3 and Warzone

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty: Warzone are set to celebrate the holiday season with the upcoming ‘Codmas’ event.

From December 19 to January 3, players will have the opportunity to dive into the action and enjoy a range of new seasonal maps, modes, and exclusive rewards.

“Let the festivities begin early with the upcoming CODMAS event!” the official blog post reads. “This year, the Halloween spirit has bled over into the winter holidays with the appearance of Santa Gnaws, here to spread horror and fear to the Operators of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty: Warzone.”

One of the highlights of the event is Santa’s Slayground, where players can complete eight challenges to earn rewards such as consumable items and cosmetics, including the ‘Christmas Skulls’ Calling Card and ‘Elfsecution’ Finishing Move.

The holiday spirit will be reflected in the game with themed map reskins named Shipmas and Hangover. Additionally, Activision has introduced two new limited-time modes: Infectious Holiday and Snowfight, offering a unique twist on popular party modes.

Infectious Holiday allows players to partake in Infected mode while being surrounded by Santa Claus Operators and transform into the Zombie Santa Skin. Snowfight, a Gunfight variation, will feature a snowball fight to determine the outcome of the first two rounds.

According to the post, “Capture the suspiciously yellow snowball in the center of the map for a one-hit elimination. After regular Loadouts return in the third round, players can still loot snowballs placed throughout the map.”

New seasonal enemy models have also been added in Zombies mode, along with music and snowballs that can be used for deadly attacks against foes.

In Warzone, players can look forward to the limited-time Slay Ride Resurgence Playlist offering high-quality loot and a special Emblem for participating in seasonal activities within Urzikstan.

Following the Codmas event, players can gear up for the “Face the Vortex” event, taking place from January 3 to January 17, where they will be able to progress through 15 available rewards by playing in Vortex-themed maps Tetanus, Satan’s Quarry, and Sporeyard.

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