In the game Raft, players must collect trash and expand their foundations while also being mindful of a hungry sea creature that poses a constant threat to their raft.
Maintaining the integrity of the raft can be a challenge, so knowing how to repair it in emergency situations is crucial, particularly during lengthy journeys away from the raft.
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How to Repair in Raft
When it comes to repairing objects in Raft, there are specific guidelines to follow:
- Foundations
- Collection Nets
Furthermore, these objects must be broken or damaged before any repairs can be made, as it is not possible to mend an object that is at full HP.
Currently, the only threat capable of damaging foundations or collection nets is the shark, which attacks a random outer foundation (or collection net) every 5 minutes, continually causing damage until the object is completely broken. Players must inflict at least 15 damage to the shark to ward it off and halt the attack.
To repair the raft, players must craft a Building Hammer using 4 Planks and 2 Ropes, and add it to their hot bar. With the hammer selected, they can open the building menu by holding the right mouse button. Next, they should hover the mouse over the Repair option – symbolized by a hammer with a green plus icon – located at the bottom of the menu, and release the right mouse button. Then, they can search for a damaged foundation and left-click on it to repair it.
The remaining HP of the object is displayed in the center of the screen while the Repair option is being selected. Each repair click costs 1 Plank and repairs the object by 50%.
It is possible to repair an object while it is under attack by the shark, presenting a new strategy for dealing with this threat. Upon hearing a shark attack, players can promptly find the attacked object and use the Hammer to repair it before driving the shark away in the usual manner. This approach is particularly effective for larger rafts, as the HP of the attacked object may have dropped below 20% by the time the player reaches it.
Utilizing this method can conserve resources, as each repair only costs 1 Plank, compared to building a new foundation which can require up to 2 Planks and 2 Plastics.
These guidelines provide a comprehensive understanding of how to repair in Raft.
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