Efficient ways to get Reputation for the Warsong Outriders in WoW Classic SoD

The Ultimate Guide to Grinding Warsong Outriders Reputation in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery

If you want to obtain the best gear in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery, one of the most important reputations to grind is the Warsong Outriders. The good news is that thanks to a feature unique to Season of Discovery, grinding this reputation is much easier than it was in regular Classic. In fact, you can even get an early mount out of it!

Here, we’ll cover the most efficient and easiest method to grind Warsong Outsiders rep in WoW Classic: SoD. The best part is that in Season of Discovery, you don’t even have to participate in a single battleground to earn Warsong reputation. (But it definitely speeds up the process.)

The Best Way to Grind Warsong Outriders Reputation in World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery

The most lucrative source of Warsong Outriders reputation in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery is the Battle for Ashenvale. This unique world event in SoD provides a significant amount of Warsong reputation for all participants in the area.

When in Ashenvale, you can monitor the percentage counters for both the Horde and Alliance. These counters increase when the respective faction makes a kill. Once both factions reach 100%, the Battle for Ashenvale commences.

Image: PC Invasion

To win the Battle for Ashenvale, the Horde must defeat the Keepers of the Grove at the designated camps indicated on the map. Once all three Keepers are defeated, the main boss, Felore Moonray, becomes vulnerable. Defeat Felore before the Alliance defeats our Blademasters, and victory belongs to the Horde.

Earning Warsong Outriders Reputation in Battle for Ashenvale

Battle For Ashenvale Boss Wow Classic
Image: PC Invasion

Defeating each boss in Battle for Ashenvale rewards 200 Warsong Outriders reputation. You’ll also earn 200 reputation for emerging victorious, with an additional 100 reputation for each Blademaster that is still alive. Additionally, the NPCs in each base also grant around 15 rep per kill.

Here’s a step-by-step plan for efficiently earning as much Warsong Outriders reputation as possible in each battle:

  • Set your Hearthstone to Splintertree Post
  • Join a group attacking Runestone (aka Beach)
  • Use your Hearthstone as soon as Centrius has been defeated
  • Run to Research if it’s still active
  • Run to Glaive if Ceredwyn at Research has been defeated
  • Run to Moonwell Camp to defeat the final boss

Following this strategy should allow you to earn reputation from 2-3 bosses, 1-2 packs of NPCs, and hopefully secure a victory. On a server where the Horde usually wins, a player can earn around 1000 reputation per battle.

Ashenvale Wow Classic Sod
Image: PC Invasion

It is also highly recommended to use the NovaWorldBuffs AddOn, which actively tracks Ashenvale’s progress and notifies you (and your guild) when the battle will commence. Keeping an eye on the percentage counter in the bottom right from anywhere on the map is always useful.

Just like in regular WoW Classic, earning Warsong Outriders rep through repeatable token quests is possible by participating in the Warsong Gulch PvP Battleground.

Warsong Outriders Rewards and Vendor

Warsong Vendor Location Wow Classic
Image: PC Invasion

Kelm Hargunth, The Warsong Outriders reputation vendor, is located outside Warsong Gulch’s entrance in The Barrens. You can find Kelm’s coordinates at 46, 8.

The Warsong Outriders offer much more rewards than standard Classic WoW, including a Level 25 mount (only usable in Ashenvale) and numerous pieces of best-in-slot gear.

All Warsong Outriders Rewards in Season of Discovery

ItemTypeDescriptionReputation Requirement
Trainee’s Outrider WolfMountSummon a Trainee’s Outrider Wolf. Only usable in Ashenvale.Friendly
Resilient Leather MaskRare Leather Head80 Armor

Equip: Reduces all damage taken and chance to be critically hit by 5% in Warsong Gulch.

Resilient Mail CoifRare Mail Head175 Armor

Equip: Reduces all damage taken and chance to be critically hit by 5% in Warsong Gulch.

Resilient Cloth HeadbandRare Cloth Head50 Armor

Equip: Reduces all damage taken and chance to be critically hit by 5% in Warsong Gulch.

Rune of PerfectionRare TrinketStamina trinket that decreases magical resistances of spell targets.

Note: Level 20 and 40 versions available.

Rune of DutyRare TrinketStamina trinket that slowly regenerates health every 5 seconds.

Note: Level 20 and 40 versions available.

Advisor’s RingRare RingStamina ring that increases damage and healing done and slowly restores mana every 5 seconds.

Note: Level 18, 28, 38, 48, and 58 versions available.

Battle Healer’s CloakRare BackStamina and Spirit cloak that increases healing done.

Note: Level 18, 28, 38, 48, and 58 versions available.

Legionnaire’s BandRare RingStrength, Agility, and Stamina ring.

Note: Level 18, 28, 38, 48, and 58 versions available.

Advisor’s Gnarled StaffRare StaffTwo Hand
57 – 87 Damage
(24.83 damage per second)
+10 Stamina
+6 Intellect
Requires Level 25
Equip: Restores 4 mana per 5 sec.
Outrider’s BowRare BowRanged
25 – 47 Damage
(15.00 damage per second)
Legionnaire’s SwordRare SwordUnique
35 – 67 Damage
(18.89 damage per second)
+6 Strength
+3 Stamina
Scout’s BladeRare DaggerUnique
22 – 43 Damage
(19.12 damage per second)~
+6 Agility
+3 Stamina

For more powerful gear, be sure to check out our article on Invoker’s Cord and Invoker’s Mantle.