Are Minecraft Authentication servers down?

What to Do When You Can’t Connect to Minecraft Servers

As one of the biggest games in the world, Minecraft’s servers are essential for its online multiplayer experience. However, some players have been encountering a frustrating error message that prevents them from logging in: “Failed to login: The authentication servers are currently down for maintenance.”

If you come across this error, it means that Minecraft servers are unable to verify your account. While it’s a rare occurrence for maintenance to cause this issue, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem if you encounter it.

Check for Server Outages

If you encounter the authentication error, start by visiting the Mojang Status Twitter page to check for any reported server outages or maintenance updates.

Stabilize Your Internet Connection

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection, as a spotty Wi-Fi connection can trigger the authentication error. Consider using a wired connection and try changing your DNS settings to or to see if it resolves the issue.

Restart and Troubleshoot

If a stable connection and DNS settings changes don’t solve the problem, try restarting your internet, device, and Minecraft application. This troubleshooting step can help resolve any connection issues on your end, but keep in mind that it may not fix the problem if it’s on Mojang’s side.

If none of these steps work and you still see the authentication error, it’s likely that the Minecraft servers are experiencing downtime. Typically, these outages are temporary, so you can try again in about an hour. In the meantime, you can explore solo play while waiting for the servers to come back online.