How to breed Relaxaurus Lux in Palworld

Palworld: Breeding Dynamics for Relaxaurus Lux

Handling and battling Pals in the wild can be exhilarating, but the real thrill comes from a slice of cake and some well-placed lightning. Below, we delve into the process of breeding Relaxaurus Lux in Palworld.

How to Breed Relaxaurus Lux in Palworld

Breeding Relaxaurus Lux, a highly coveted Pal in the world of Palworld, necessitates a bit of exploration and capturing. The first step is to unlock and construct a Breeding Farm. This will require 100 Wood, 20 Stone, and 50 Fiber, and become accessible at level 19. Gather resources by cutting down trees and collecting or mining Stones from the ground. To successfully breed Relaxaurus Lux, you’ll need one male Relaxaurus and one female Sparkit.

Image: Pocketpair

Relaxaurus Location in Palworld

Palworld Relaxaurus Location
Image: Map Genie

Relaxaurus can be found across the Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon region as well as the Ascetic Falls. Since Relaxaurus is a water-dragon type, make sure to utilize grass-type Pals to counterattack their moves and skills.

Sparkit Location in Palworld

Palworld Sparkit Location
Image: Map Genie

Sparkit Pals are easier to find and are located decently close to the Relaxaurus. You can find them walking around the starter island, close to the Desolate Church fast travel point. You can also find it in the snowy region of the starter island, just northeast of the Sealed Realm of the Winged Tyrant.

Locating Relaxaurus Lux in Palworld

Similar to regular Relaxaurus, an Alpha version of Relaxaurus Lux can be found at the Sealed Realm of the Thunder Dragon field. To capture this level 31 Pal, use higher-tier Pal Spheres for increased chances of success.

Palworld Relaxaurus Lux Alpha Pal
Image: Map Genie

Related: How to breed Pals in Palworld

Once you have the Breeding Farm, the Relaxaurus, and the Sparkit, prepare a Cake to initiate the process, then position both Pals in the Breeding Farm. Leave the Cake and allow nature to take its course.

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