Whip it Good! Breaking Down Weapons Included in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Complete Edition


  • Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Complete Edition is available on February 6 at 5pm PT
  • Complete Edition features all content from the three DLC packs and collaboration DLCs
  • Three game-changing weapons are available: Cestus, Whip, Long Sword

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty Complete Edition is set for release on February 6, offering players an immersive experience in a dark and demon-infested Three Kingdoms world. This edition includes all of the new weapon types, divine beasts, bosses, story chapters, and end game content that were part of the three DLC packs and collaboration DLCs.

However, it’s the three new weapon types that steal the spotlight: cestus, long sword, and whip. Each of these weapons introduces unique gameplay mechanics and combat styles, providing players with diverse strategies to engage in battle.


Time to beat down demons with your bare hands! The aggressive attacks of the cestus enable players to unleash a series of powerful punches and kicks. To counter the lack of range, players can combine cestus with Wizardry Spells, such as fireballs, to maintain a balanced offensive and defensive strategy.

Players can increase their Spirit by up to three levels while using cestus, each level offering specific benefits. Additionally, engaging in combat with High Spirits will trigger positive effects that grant increased Spirit opportunities.

Master’s Tip: Learn to leverage the different levels of Spirit offered by cestus in battle, based on the type of enemy encountered.

Long Sword

The long sword introduces a unique charging mechanic that allows players to accumulate energy for more powerful attacks. Holding down specific buttons releases different phases of strikes, while building power directly after other attacks shortens the charging time.

Players can also accumulate energy while moving and successfully dodge or deflect enemy attacks, leading to powerful counterattacks.

Master’s Tip: Learn to leverage the charging mechanic of the long sword to enhance both offense and defense during combat.


The whip offers the biggest risk/reward factor in the game, requiring players to build up their Spirit Meter before activating Frenzy mode. While in Frenzy mode, players can combine the whip with other attacks to unleash a series of powerful strikes against opponents.

Entering Frenzy mode, however, comes with its risks as players lose the ability to recover Spirit and each attack consumes Spirit. Players will need to switch to a different weapon using deflect counterattack when Spirit gets low to transition smoothly and regain Spirit quickly.

Master’s Tip: Use Spirit strategically and maintain agility when engaging enemies to maximize the benefits of Frenzy mode.

If you think you have what it takes to defeat the demons of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Complete Edition, be prepared to download and experience the game on February 6.