Millennia Review – IGN


When you’re craving Sid Meier’s Civilization but end up with Millennia instead, it’s like settling for the Civilization at home version. While there are some positive aspects to highlight about this 4X contender, it ultimately falls short due to shaky fundamentals.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Millennia is a turn-based empire-builder that draws inspiration from real history, with a touch of alternate history. However, one major concern is the tile economy. Every tile can be claimed by your cities for resource generation, but the limited space and lack of hybridization options lead to crowded and unrealistic city layouts.

Building Tall and Production Chains

Players can unlock ways to ‘build tall’ and create complex production chains, such as processing grain into flour. Trade between cities adds depth to gameplay, but it doesn’t fully alleviate the frustrations with the tile economy. The absence of districts like in Civ 6 leads to unwieldy city sprawl.

Resource Management Challenges

Clearing forests is only possible in the Information Age, which can be a hindrance when trying to optimize land for farming. Additionally, the introduction of confusing resources and the disjointed nature of education, knowledge, and specialists can be frustrating for players.

City Needs and Ages

Cities in Millennia have varying needs as they grow, from food and sanitation to education and internet access. While some make sense, others like social media boosting population growth can be confusing. Alternate ages offer unique experiences, but unlocking certain ones can be challenging.

Warfare and Performance

The AI in warfare is competent, but issues with turn order clarity and battle prediction can be frustrating. Late-game performance is a significant concern, with long wait times between turns on larger maps.

Campaign and Customization

The campaign set-up options are limited, with only 18 nations to choose from and restricted map generation choices. Customizing nations throughout the ages adds depth, but the lack of architectural differences and diverse leader personalities leaves the game feeling somewhat lacking in flavor.