How to get rid of the ghosts in Baladins

Various Methods to Handle the Ghosts in Baladins

Embarking on the Dance With The Ghosts quest in Baladins presents you with two possible quest endings – the simpler one involves disposing of the ghosts to ease Bleiz’s worries about her mother.

There are several approaches you can take, but keep in mind that the method you choose doesn’t significantly impact the outcome. However, each option rewards you with different items at the conclusion, which may interest the dragon.

After extensive playtesting in Baladins, I believe I’ve compiled an exhaustive list of ways to address the ghosts, although there might be hidden methods I haven’t discovered yet!

Trapping the Ghosts

My initial attempt at banishing the ghosts in Baladins involved capturing them in a jar. While exploring the upper right section of Lumensac, I encountered a small creature carrying a sealed jar. You can choose to open or smash the jar. Succeeding in either action reveals a trapped ghost inside, grateful for its release.

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If you opt to open the jar (requires a Physique score of 11), you’ll receive the empty jar as a keepsake.

With the vacant jar in hand, return to the Old Tower and present it to the inhabitants. They will be drawn into the jar, yielding a jar brimming with ghosts. This suffices to resolve the ghost issue for the quest, but the jar full of ghosts holds significant power. Consider visiting Druid Fintan or feeding it to the Dragon.

Fighting the Ghosts

While traversing Lumensac, you might encounter Aten and Jonas, two knights seeking a noble cause. Once you are aware of the ghost predicament, you can redirect them towards the spectral entities.

Jonas Baladins
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Note that encountering Aten and Jonas is a chance event, and in one playthrough, I never crossed paths with them. Typically, they were located near the Spellhold, though it may just be coincidental.

Visit the Old Tower to check on them, finding them surrounded by the ghosts, necessitating your intervention.

You can create a diversion using Finesse or combat the ghosts using Destruction. Both tasks have a difficulty class of 11, so ensure your Finesse or Destruction attributes are sufficiently leveled.

Upon rescuing the knights, they will express gratitude, and the specters will be dispersed.

Exorcising the Ghosts

Another method of ridding the ghosts involves exorcising them. Occasionally, while wandering Lumensac, you may witness Malaphar and Fintan engaging in a dispute.

Malaphar, the spiritual healer, advocates that genuine well-being emanates from the mind, while Fintan, the druid, argues for the significance of the body. You can settle the argument by taking sides or proffering an item that demonstrates the interconnectedness of mind and body.

Cure Ghosts Baladins
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Having some cheese in my possession at the time, I jokingly gifted it to them. To my surprise, it resolved the issue. With the debate settled, Malaphar inquired if I could assist him, prompting the option to “Cure the ghosts!”

You might secure Malaphar’s assistance by supporting his viewpoint instead of proving the integration of mind and body. Alternatively, experimenting with various items besides cheese to validate this concept might yield results, although I declined to pursue this exhaustive endeavor.

If you prefer not to take any risks, consider purchasing cheese from Mornoz.

After delegating the task of exorcising the ghosts to Malaphar, visit the Old Tower. By the time you arrive, he would have already vanquished the spirits, presenting you with a Ball and Chain.

Banishing the Ghosts

To attempt banishing the ghosts, you must first comprehend the procedure.

The Spellhold in Lumensac boasts an extensive library, housing a book detailing ghost management techniques. Immersing yourself in the library enables you to choose your area of study, and opting to delve into ghost-related knowledge reveals that salt possesses banishing properties.

Salt Baladins
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I’m aware of two methods to acquire salt in Baladins, both situated in Mercanzon.

Visiting the Market in Mercanzon permits you to purchase salt from Oton for 3 Gold. Alternatively, journey to the Port and Engage in Fishing, which may award you free Salt along with enhancing your Finesse skill.

Having obtained the salt, return to Lumensac and proceed to the Old Tower. When interacting with the ghosts, present them with the salt from your inventory to witness their dissipation.

This method is likely the least favorable approach for handling the ghosts, as it consumes resources and yields no special rewards.

Securing the Favorable Conclusion in Dance With The Ghosts in Baladins

Regardless of your chosen ghost management technique, the Dance With The Ghosts quest in Baladins culminates in the same outcome. Although Bleiz is now free to pursue her aspirations, the game hints that removing the ghosts may not be the optimal solution.

After presenting the Ball and Chain to Colobra, it hinted that the ghosts linger due to unresolved matters tying them to the earth. To achieve the positive outcome, we must assist the spirits in moving on instead of forcibly banishing them.

Despite exploring extensively, I have yet to discover a means or item that facilitates communication with the ghosts or identifies their struggles to aid them. As soon as I uncover this information, I will update this guide.

For now, I sincerely wish you better luck than I in liberating the ghosts in Baladins.

So, there you have it – the various approaches to addressing the ghosts in Baladins. Best of luck in procuring some Royal Jelly for Bungus!

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