How To Activate God Mode in Hades 2

Roguelike games can pose quite a challenge, but fear not, as you can activate God Mode in Hades 2 to make things easier. Despite its name possibly suggesting a tougher difficulty level like the Give Me God of War mode in the GoW series, in Hades games, God mode actually functions as the easy mode. So if you’re struggling to defeat the Titan lord of time, you’re in luck. Utilizing this mode can relieve some pressure and assist you in making substantial progress or even finishing the game. Here’s how you can enable it.

How to Activate God Mode in Hades 2

How To Activate God Mode In Hades 2
Image Credits: Ditech Gaming on YouTube. Go to Options and in Gameplay you can enable God Mode in Hades 2.

You can find God Mode in the Gameplay option.

  1. Pause the game.
  2. The first option in Gameplay will be God Mode.
  3. Toggle it on.

With each run, you’ll now take less damage, which should aid you in dealing with your enemies more effectively.

How God Mode Works: Explained

By default, this option is turned off. However, once activated, the game grants you an immediate 20% damage resistance. The beauty of it is that you can activate it even midway through your run. But that’s not all, each time you die, at the beginning of your next run, this damage resistance increases by 2%.

So with each run, it will increase to 22%, 24%, 26%, until it reaches 80%. This enhancement can make you considerably more resilient and enable you to withstand even the most powerful attacks, including those from Chronos! While this mode existed in the original game, using it there would disable your in-game achievements.

Fortunately, this game is still in Early Access at the time of writing this guide. As much of its content has yet to be released and there are no achievements, you are free to use it if you simply want to savor the game’s narrative, engage in various interactions with the gods, or dominate every adversary in your path.

That covers the basics of God mode in Hades 2 and how you can take advantage of it. Also, don’t forget to explore how to confront the Titan lord. Additionally, you may find this Bosses list helpful in identifying the foes you’ll encounter in each region.