All Scar’s Answers In Wuthering Waves

When progressing through the Ominous Star main quest in Wuthering Waves, players may find themselves faced with Scar’s questions. Upon reaching Qichi Village, the player can interact with Scar and will eventually have two options: search for clues or engage in a battle with Scar. This part of the quest highlights the concept of the illusion of choice, as both options ultimately lead to a confrontation with Scar. For those who wish to experience the cutscene or simply want to know Scar’s questions and answers, everything you need is provided below:

All Scar’s Questions and Answers in Wuthering Waves

Answering Scar about the Shepherd, Flock, and Black Lamb in Wuthering Waves.

Scar will pose three questions, each with a specific answer:

  • Question 1: Who was the real culprit behind the diminishing number of lambs?
    • Answer: The shepherd (First option)
  • Question 2: What price did the lambs pay for their wishes?
    • Answer: Their lives (First option)
  • Question 3: What happened to the black lamb?
    • Answer: It was murdered by its flock and the shepherd (First Option)

It is worth noting that answering these questions incorrectly does not result in any penalties, as Scar’s dialogues will adjust based on the player’s choices.

Should You Answer Scar or Skip to his Fight?

Ultimately, whether you choose to gather clues or confront Scar directly, the outcome remains the same – a battle with him. Players looking to progress quickly may opt to skip this encounter, while those interested in additional lore and cutscenes may choose to collect clues and answer Scar’s questions.

That summarizes the questions and answers provided by Scar in Wuthering Waves. Additionally, players may want to explore guides on using the Sensor, acquiring free characters, and resolving high ping issues while here.