How to run a XDefiant tournament: the step-by-step guide

How to Host a Successful XDefiant Tournament

XDefiant by UBISOFT has become a popular FPS game with a large fanbase participating in numerous tournaments. If you’re interested in hosting your own XDefiant tournament, here’s how you can get started.

1. Create and Provide Information

First, create your XDefiant tournament by providing essential details such as the name, logo, and organizer identity. Specify the number of participants and whether it will be individual or team-based.

Provide participants with all necessary information such as the schedule, venue, rules, prizes, and contact details. Utilize the “General Settings” section to add extra fields for additional information.

2. Select Tournament Structure

Choose from a variety of tournament structures like single elimination, round-robin, Swiss system, custom bracket, or league formats for your XDefiant tournament. Combine multiple formats for a diverse competition experience and customize match formats accordingly.

3. Open Registrations

Allow participants to register for your tournament by setting up customized registration options, payment details, and automated messages. Add extra fields to collect more information about teams and players from the “Custom Fields” section.

4. Organize Participants

Toornament can automatically place participants based on predefined methods or manually assign them. Optionally, let participants report match results themselves for a seamless experience.

5. Start Matches and Report Results

Initiate matches for your tournament and record results in real-time from the tournament dashboard. Participants can also report their own match results from the public page.

6. Learn, Experiment, and Enjoy

With these basic steps, you can successfully host a XDefiant tournament. Explore more advanced features in the Toornament Help Center and have a great time organizing your event!