Capes Review – IGN

Exploring the World of Capes: A Tactical Superhero RPG

Capes, a clever and challenging turn-based tactical game, may lack actual capes on its eight playable characters, but it makes up for it with a clear love for the comics that inspired its creation. With creative combo mechanics, this underdog vigilante squad feels powerful as players navigate through tactical puzzles in each level.

Similar to the game Into the Breach, Capes provides players with almost all the information needed to execute a successful plan. Each level presents a strategic puzzle where countering enemy moves is crucial. With abilities that have minimal randomized effects and a detailed timeline of actions, players have the tools necessary to succeed. However, some additional clarity on enemy targets could further enhance the gameplay experience.

The engaging story in Capes, crafted by writer Morgan Jaffit, introduces players to a cast of heroes paying homage to classic comic book characters. From Nightcrawler to The Hulk, each hero brings their unique abilities to the table, enhancing the gameplay experience.

Fights stay interesting and diverse over what turns out to be a pretty lengthy campaign.

As players navigate through King City and face off against supervillains with creative boss fight mechanics, the variety of enemies and mini-bosses keeps the gameplay diverse and exciting. With missions that require strategy and skill, players are in for a challenging experience that can span around 40 hours of gameplay.

Plenty of humor, both light-hearted and dark, fills the narrative of Capes. While the game raises moral questions about heroism and the use of lethal force, the overall tone remains entertaining. Despite some inconsistencies in storytelling presentation and minor glitches, the gameplay mechanics shine through.

One of Capes’ best ideas is that your squad of four heroes work together to enhance each others’ abilities.

An innovative feature in Capes is the emphasis on teamwork among heroes to amplify their abilities. With strategic positioning and unique team-up mechanics, players must carefully select their squad for each battle, considering how their powers complement each other. This adds a layer of depth to the gameplay beyond basic combat.

Additionally, Capes introduces various mechanics like disarm damage and ultimate abilities that charge up differently for each hero. Players must adapt their strategies based on these mechanics, ensuring a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience.

For players seeking an additional challenge, completing optional objectives in missions can earn skill points to upgrade heroes’ powers. These objectives range from disarming enemies to executing specific abilities, adding replay value to the game. Stealth missions, however, may prove frustrating with their trial-and-error nature, although the quick-save feature alleviates some of the frustration.