How to create a dedicated server in Soulmask

Guide to Setting Up a Custom Server in Soulmask

If you enjoy playing Soulmask, why not take the experience up a notch by hosting your very own custom server for you and your friends? Setting up a dedicated server may sound intimidating at first, but it’s actually quite straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a custom server in Soulmask:

How to Make a Custom Server in Soulmask

To create a dedicated server in Soulmask, simply follow these steps:

  1. Create a new folder to hold your server’s files.
  2. Download SteamCMD for Windows.
  3. Extract the files to a folder in the root directory of your C drive (or whatever drive Steam is installed on).
  4. Search for “CMD” in Windows and open Command Prompt.
  5. Open the SteamCMD installation path on the command line. If you followed the instructions and put it on the SteamCMD folder on the root of your C drive, then just type “cd C:/steamcmd” into the command line.
  6. Type “steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 3017310 validate +quit” to download the dedicated server.
  7. You’ll see “Success! App ‘3017310’ fully installed” after the download completes.
  8. Navigate to C:steamcmdsteamappscommonSoulmask Dedicated Server For Windows and open StartServer.bat to start your dedicated Soulmask server!

To customize your server details such as server name and player count, simply right-click StartServer.bat and select Edit. Here are some common parameters that you may want to modify:

  • Setting the server name: -SteamServerName=”your server name”
  • Setting the max players on the server: -SteamServerName=”your server name”
  • Server password: -PSW=”yourpassword”
  • Enable GM access password: -adminpsw=”yourGMpassword”
  • Setting to PVP mode: -pvp
  • Setting to PVE mode: -pve

With these steps, you’ll have your own dedicated server up and running in Soulmask! Your friends can easily find and join the server. Keep in mind that hosting the server on your PC may slightly impact game performance, so adjust your settings accordingly. Soulmask is compatible with a range of hardware, including the Steam Deck, so you should be good to go if you have a solid machine.

All GM Commands for Soulmask Dedicated Servers

As the owner of a dedicated server, you have access to GM commands to enhance gameplay for you and your friends. Here’s how you can enable and use GM commands:

  • Boot up your private server and enter it in Soulmask.
  • Press the ~ key to open the command console.
  • Type “gm key [password]” with [password] being the password you set for “adminpsw” in StartServer.bat.

By following these steps, you’ll become an administrator for the server, allowing you to utilize powerful GM commands in Soulmask.

CommandCommand Console Code

After some time experimenting with the settings and configurations, you’ll soon grasp the ins-and-outs of hosting your own dedicated Soulmask server. While standard servers are great, the ability to tailor your own server settings and switch things up like enabling PVP on the fly adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the game.

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