Call of Duty: Game Pass’ Savior? | Spot On

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Coming to Xbox Game Pass

Exciting news for fans of Call of Duty and Xbox Game Pass – Microsoft has confirmed that the upcoming title in the Call of Duty series, Black Ops 6, will be available on Game Pass. This comes as no surprise after Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision, the publisher of Call of Duty.

While the inclusion of Black Ops 6 in Game Pass is undoubtedly a big draw for existing subscribers, the question remains – will this move attract new players to the Microsoft ecosystem? With a loyal fanbase already in place, Microsoft is banking on the appeal of Game Pass’s lower price point to entice gamers who may not be willing to pay full price for the game.

In this week’s episode of Spot On, Tam and Lucy delve into the state of Microsoft’s relationship with AAA gaming, the possibility of a Game Pass price increase, and whether Black Ops 6 will be the game-changer that Game Pass needs.

Spot On is GameSpot’s weekly news show featuring managing editor Tamoor Hussain and senior producer Lucy James. Tune in every Friday as they explore the latest gaming news in depth, providing insights and discussions on the industry’s hottest topics.