How to find the code for the hospital number pad in Panicore

Unlocking the Middle Floor Door in Panicore

In the hospital map of Panicore, there is a mysterious locked door on the middle floor that requires a passcode to open. But how do you uncover this code and what lies beyond the door? Let’s explore the secrets of the locked door in Panicore.

Discovering the Passcode in Panicore

Within Panicore’s Havenview General Hospital map, players will encounter a locked door on the middle floor that cannot be opened conventionally. To gain access, individuals must either input a hidden 4-digit passcode or lure the entity inside to break down the door.

If facing the entity is too daunting, you can opt to search for the passcode instead. The code is located in a room on the ground floor that is secured by a switch box.

Repairing the Fuse/Switch Box Door

To reach the code, you must gather two fuses and one switch. These essential items are scattered randomly throughout the hospital, so be thorough in your search. Once you have everything, insert the fuses and switch into the switch box near the door to unlock it.

Revealing the Secret Code and Opening the Door

Inside the newly accessible room, a rectangle will display the ever-changing 4-digit code required to unlock the upper floor door. Take note of this code, as it is crucial for progress. Head back upstairs and input the code into the numbered pad door to gain entry.

Exploring Beyond the Number Pad Door

After all the effort put into unlocking the number pad door, you may be wondering what awaits inside. Surprisingly, you’ll only find a few cabinets with nothing particularly special. However, some necessary items for escaping the hospital may be hidden in this room, making it worth the effort to unlock. Whether or not you choose to enter this room is ultimately your choice, as it is not always essential to progress.

While delving into the secrets of Panicore, don’t forget to check out our guide on escaping the school within the game. You may discover a new method or even unlock an achievement that eluded you before.