Overmorrow Review (Switch eShop) | Nintendo Life

Overview of Overmorrow

PixelManta’s debut release, Overmorrow, presents a thought-provoking experience that is visually stunning and meticulously crafted. However, the game’s unique mechanic of deleting save data after 30 in-game days poses a significant challenge for players, raising questions about the value of time and progress in gaming.

Exploring the Mysterious Island

Set on a mysterious island, Overmorrow tasks players with unraveling its secrets within a limited time frame. Elemental magic spells play a crucial role in puzzle-solving and progression, adding a layer of complexity to the gameplay. Each passing day brings you closer to the inevitable save-wipe, emphasizing the transient nature of life.

Challenges and Limitations

While Overmorrow’s thematic elements and unique art style are commendable, the game suffers from some fundamental issues. A critical bug in the launch version hinders players from completing the campaign, prompting the developer to release a patch. Additionally, the game’s design choices and lack of guidance result in a trial-and-error approach to solving puzzles, leading to frustration and immersion-breaking moments.

Gameplay and Experience

Overmorrow’s gameplay draws inspiration from time loop mechanics seen in other titles like The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask and Outer Wilds. However, the game’s unguided exploration and cryptic puzzles often require multiple playthroughs to uncover its full potential. Despite the initial sense of discovery, the repetitive nature of re-solving puzzles can diminish the overall experience for players.

Audiovisual Elements and Technical Issues

With a soundtrack by Jim Guthrie and a distinctive art style, Overmorrow succeeds in creating a captivating atmosphere. However, technical issues such as frame rate drops, crashes, and bugs detract from the game’s overall polish and immersion. The game’s audio design, while atmospheric, can be inconsistent in certain areas.


Overmorrow offers intriguing gameplay mechanics and thematic depth, but its execution falls short due to gameplay issues and technical shortcomings. With refinement and updates, the game has the potential to engage players interested in its premise, albeit with moments of frustration along the way.