Sony Reportedly Investing Over $250 Million in Bend Studio’s Next Game

Sony Investing $250 Million in Bend Studio’s Next Project

Since the release of Days Gone in 2019, Bend Studio has been relatively quiet. However, recent reports suggest that Sony is heavily investing in the studio’s next game, with a budget exceeding $250 million.

While details about Bend Studio’s project remain scarce, former Days Gone director Jeff Ross shared insights on Twitter. He mentioned that Sony’s investment in the new game surpasses $250 million, a substantial amount compared to the funding for a Days Gone sequel that Sony declined in the past.

Ross, however, does not believe that Bend Studio’s upcoming game is a sequel to Days Gone. He suggested that PlayStation CEO Hermen Hulst had negative opinions about Days Gone due to competition from The Last of Us, a successful Sony title. Ross’s depart from Bend Studio in 2020 may influence his perspective on the new project.

Although $250 million is a significant sum, it is not uncommon in the AAA gaming industry. Reports indicate that other major titles like Grand Theft Auto 6 and Call of Duty have had similar budget allocations, showcasing the rising costs of game development.