WoW Cataclysm Archeology Rewards Guide

Archeology in World of Warcraft: Classic

Archeology has recently made its way into World of Warcraft: Classic, offering players the chance to uncover treasures without breaking a sweat. While it may not be physically demanding like real-life archeology, the rewards in WoW are definitely worth the effort.

Experienced archeologists in World of Warcraft can look forward to earning a variety of epic rewards for their dedication. These rewards range from titles and achievements to toys, mounts, pets, and even valuable endgame gear. Since these rewards are account-bound, many players are eager to collect them for alt gearing or completing their collections.

Artifact Rewards

Depending on your luck and archeology skill level, acquiring these rewards may require some time and effort. The game randomly selects which artifact you’ll pursue, with common artifacts typically yielding vendor trash items. However, rare artifacts offer special rewards that are more valuable and worth keeping. Keep at it, and you can eventually obtain the following rewards, categorized by fragment or keystone type.


  • The Last Relic of Argus – A random teleporter, requiring 130 fragments
  • Arrival of the Naaru – A toy showcasing a crucial event, requiring 124 fragments


  • The Innkeeper’s Daughter – A spicy hearthstone toy, requiring 150 fragments
  • Chalice of the Mountain Kings – A toy summoning dancing dwarves, requiring 100 fragments
  • Clockwork Gnome – A mechanical gnome pet, requiring 100 fragments
  • Staff of Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan – A staff with item level 359, requiring 150 fragments

… (Other categories continue with similar formatting)

Achievements and Titles

Aside from the tangible rewards, archeology also offers players the opportunity to earn achievement points and unique titles. With archeology, you can achieve up to 190 points and claim three distinctive titles for your character.

Skill Points

  • Journeyman in Archeology – Obtain 150 skill points for 10 achievement points
  • Expert in Archeology – Obtain 225 skill points for 10 achievement points
  • Artisan in Archeology – Obtain 300 skill points for 10 achievement points
  • … (Additional skill point achievements listed)

General Artifacts

  • Digger – Discover 10 unique common artifacts for 10 achievement points
  • Diggerer – Discover 50 unique common artifacts for 10 achievement points
  • … (Additional general artifacts achievements listed)

… (More achievement categories and achievements listed)

Dungeon Keystone Quests

Archeology in WoW Classic offers a unique gameplay experience, especially for those who enjoy combat. Keystones not only expedite research but also provide powerful buffs in dungeons. Below are some of the buffs, their respective dungeons, and how to activate them.

Dark Iron Contingency Plan

  • Location: Blackrock Caverns
  • Requires a Dwarf Rune Stone
  • Reduces elemental damage by 5%

… (Other dungeon keystones listed)

Closing Thoughts

Archeology in World of Warcraft: Classic offers a blend of excitement and satisfaction. While the journey to rare rewards may be challenging, the thrill of finally obtaining them is unmatched. Whether you’re looking to assist your group in dungeons, expand your collections, or collect achievements, archeology is a rewarding secondary profession that every player can benefit from. So, grab your tools and start digging!