Nintendo Life eShop Selects & Readers’ Choice (May 2024)

Summer of Gaming eShop Selects Recap

Pull yourselves away from your screens — May is a thing of the past, and the highly anticipated Summer of Gaming is finally upon us, heralding the return of eShop Selects for another exciting update. Time certainly flies!

May was undoubtedly a whirlwind, with notable releases like Endless Ocean Luminous and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door from Nintendo, but the real stars of the show were the indie games flooding the market. The selection was so vast that we were practically submerged in new titles. Nevertheless, our duty remains the same — our dedicated team of staff and contributors have cast their votes for the top three eShop games following a thorough review process, and we are thrilled to share the results with you along with some honorable mentions.

Before we dive into May’s highlights, let’s take a moment to congratulate the Reader’s Choice winner for April 2024 – stitch.! This delightful sewing game made a splash during a surprise Indie World showcase and continues to capture hearts with its charm and creativity.

Without further ado, let’s assess the extent of your ever-growing backlog.

Noteworthy Games Worth Mentioning

May marked one of our most substantial eShop Selects months yet, with 13 exclusive titles achieving a minimum score of 7/10, resulting in a tough competition. While the competition was fierce, a few standout gems ultimately fell short of the top three spots. Here are some of the noteworthy mentions:

Top Honors from Nintendo Life

  • Braid: Anniversary Edition (Switch eShop)
    Publisher: Number None / Developer: Number None
    Release Date: 14th May 2024 (USA) / 14th May 2024 (UK/EU)
    It’s Braid. What else can we say? The beloved indie title from the 2000s receives a fresh perspective with the Anniversary Edition, featuring updated graphics, music, and insightful commentary tracks exploring various facets of the game. Our review awarded this remaster a solid 9/10, solidifying its enduring appeal.
  • Little Kitty, Big City (Switch eShop)
    Publisher: Double Dagger Studio / Developer: Double Dagger Studio
    Release Date: 9th May 2024 (USA) / 9th May 2024 (UK/EU)
    While not the highest-rated game of the month, Little Kitty, Big City captured hearts with its charming and brief adventure set in a bustling metropolis. With a charismatic feline protagonist and plenty of whimsical moments, this title earned a respectable 7/10 among our reviewers, proving its appeal transcends cat lovers.
  • Animal Well (Switch eShop)
    Publisher: Bigmode / Developer: Shared Memory
    Release Date: 9th May 2024 (USA) / 9th May 2024 (UK/EU)
    Animal Well emerged as a clear favorite among our team, garnering unanimous support and overwhelming praise. This unique puzzle-box adventure offers a captivating blend of exploration and discovery, reminiscent of a Metroidvania experience without excessive hand-holding. Our glowing 10/10 review underscores the game’s brilliance and adventure-driven design.

< Nintendo eShop Selects – April 2024

Reader’s Choice Vote for eShop Selects (May 2024)

Once again, we turn to our valued readers to shed light on any hidden gems from this bustling month of releases. With standout titles like 1000xRESIST, Umbraclaw, Duck Detective, and Bread & Fred making waves, the competition for recognition is fierce. Share your favorite May game with us, and don’t forget to cast your vote for our top picks as well.

How we select our eShop top three: At the close of each month, the Nintendo Life team participates in a voting process to determine the standout titles from a curated list of digital-only releases on the Switch eShop. Games eligible for consideration must have premiered in that specific month and received a review on Nintendo Life. By assigning points (3 for first choice, 2 for second, 1 for third), the staff collaboratively compiles a top-three list, with the highest scorer earning the coveted top prize.