YouTube Hunting Down Employees Behind Video Game Leaks

YouTube Investigating Employees for Video Game Leaks

A recent report from an insider has raised concerns that YouTube may be looking into the possibility that some of its employees are responsible for leaking confidential video game information. Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable increase in accurate leaks coming from various social media accounts and online forums, leading to suspicions that individuals associated with YouTube may be involved.

Speculations Behind YouTube Employee Involvement

One common trend among these leaks is that they often reveal details about games before their official trailers are released. For instance, the recent leak of the GTA 6 trailer prompted Rockstar to unveil the video earlier than planned. This consistent pattern has fueled speculation that certain YouTube employees with access to internal systems are the ones responsible for these leaks.

Insider Tom Henderson has revealed that YouTube has conducted two internal investigations within the last 18 months, with a third investigation likely to follow soon. This heightened scrutiny comes in the wake of leaks, such as yesterday’s premature disclosure of the State of Play event details. It is believed that a YouTube employee gained unauthorized access to Sony’s intended trailers for the event.

While we refrain from disclosing specific names, it is clear that if YouTube is successful in curbing these leaks, it could have a significant impact on well-known leakers who rely on such information for their content.