Complete Soulmask Console Commands List

Soulmask offers players the ability to adjust server settings using console commands, granting access to a total of 28 different commands with various functions. However, for those unfamiliar with how to open the console or what to input, this guide aims to provide assistance.

What are Console Commands

Console commands are specific codes executed within the game to trigger particular events or functions. This panel can only be accessed in-game and is restricted to players with admin privileges or passwords. It’s important to note that most users can only utilize console commands on dedicated servers, as additional permissions are necessary for public online servers.

How to Use Soulmask Console Commands

Prior to utilizing all 28 console commands, adjustments must be made to the server’s files. A password needs to be established to access the consoles. Only individuals with this admin code can unlock the panel, and it remains inaccessible until a password is set up. To enable Soulmask Console Commands, follow these steps:

  • Head to the C:steamcmdsteamappscommonSoulmask Dedicated Server for Windows
  • Locate the StartServer.bat file, right-click it, and select the Edit feature
  • At the end of the startup command, insert “-adminpsw=[your password]”
  • Replace “[your password]” with your chosen password (without the brackets)

Once these steps are completed, you will be able to utilize Console Commands while in the game.

Console Commands List

To access the panel, press ” ~ ” and input your established password. The command code is “gm key [password]” (without the brackets). From there, access the admin menu and choose “Become the admin.” Now, you can start using the following commands:

Console CommandFunction
gm key [password]Opens GM Panels
gm AddExp [value]Add Experience
gm Addshoulieeexp [value]Add Hunting Experience
gm AddShouLieExp [value]Increase Hunting Experience
gm XiDianReset Points
gm ZiSha 1Suicide
gm FuHUoRevive
gm ShanhaoDelete Account
GPSView Own Location
gm ZhaoMuQuick Recruit NPC (Aim at Target)
gm Go [x coordinate] [y coordinate] [z coordinate]Teleport
gm ClearAllNpcClear All NPCs
gm ClearSelectRemove Selected Target
gm ShuaXinZhiBeiRefresh Vegetation within Range
gm ShowInfo 1Show Own Information
gm ShowInfo 0Show Character Information
gm SetAttr YinShen 1Toggle Invisibility
gm SetAttr YinShen 0Toggle Off Invisibility
gm JSMJRepair Mask Nodes
gm ShowMapUnlock All Map Information
gm KeJiShuUnlock All Tech Tree Nodes
gm ShowReDuDisplay Barbarian Invasion Heat Information Chart
gm ClearAllReDuClear All Barbarian Invasion Heat
gm AddReDu [value]Increase Barbarian Invasion Heat at Current Location
gm ChongZhiRenWuReset Tutorial Missions
Debuginfo1View Server Status Information
Debuginfo 0Close Server Status Info

These are all the available command codes you can utilize in the panel. It’s important to remember that these commands can only be used on servers with admin access, and they cannot be used on public online servers unless granted the password.