Review – Seed Of Life (Nintendo Switch)

A Curious Port…

Seed of Life is an adventure/puzzle game developed by Madlight and initially launched on PC. NXY Digital LTD handled the console ports, and I am currently exploring the Nintendo Switch release. The game is set in a dystopian world where our protagonist, Cora, must save the planet. Will ‘Seed of Life’ blossom into something magnificent, or is it better off forgotten? Let’s delve into it!

Exploring the Dying Planet

The game immerses players in the world of Lumia, a dying planet overshadowed by a fading star. We meet Cora, the main character, as she laments the state of her home and sets out on a mission to find ‘The Seed’ believed to rejuvenate the planet. Despite the lack of information from her Grandpa, Cora is determined to save her world.

As players take control of Cora, they are tasked with exploring the environment, which emphasizes exploration. Interactable objects marked by red rings trigger Cora’s monologues, providing insights into the surroundings. The game introduces pedestals as checkpoints that also replenish health and resources, creating a sense of progression.

Aesthetic and Gameplay Challenges

The game’s graphics face criticism for their lack of detail and texture, making navigation challenging in the mountainous terrains. The environment’s blandness and lack of visual cues can lead to players feeling lost and frustrated in their exploration. Additionally, the performance issues, including frame rate drops in larger environments, further detract from the gaming experience.

Power-Ups and Gameplay Mechanics

Cora can acquire power-ups to aid in traversal and exploration, obtained through interaction with pedestals and solving alignment puzzles. These power-ups, while essential for progressing in the game, come at the cost of Lumium, an energy resource in the game. Managing Lumium becomes crucial, as running out can hinder Cora’s ability to use power-ups effectively.

Challenges and Setbacks

The game introduces the concept of corruption, areas that gradually deplete Cora’s health. However, the lack of visual indicators for these corrupted areas can lead to health loss feeling arbitrary. Combined with the performance issues, especially in open areas, navigating and surviving become challenging tasks for players.

Overall, ‘Seed of Life’ presents an intriguing concept with its adventure-puzzle gameplay, but technical limitations and design choices hinder the overall experience. The PC version showcases better performance and visuals, raising questions about the optimization of the Nintendo Switch port. As players venture through Lumia, they will encounter both engaging puzzles and frustrating obstacles, making for a mixed gaming experience.