The Acolyte’s silliest moment is a sign of Star Wars’ bigger problems

The Acolyte’s Burning Questions: Exploring The Mystery of the Mountain Fire

The Acolyte‘s third episode left fans with more questions than answers, especially regarding the mysterious fire that ignited on the mountain. From the origins of Mae and Osha to the Jedi’s involvement, viewers were left puzzled by the bizarre turn of events. But the burning question remains: How did the stone catch on fire?

Delving into the deep lore of the Star Wars universe, let’s attempt to shed some light on the perplexing mountain fire in The Acolyte.

[Ed. note: This post contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Acolyte episode 3.]

Before we explore possible explanations, let’s revisit the event that sparked the chaos. The fire in the mountain on Brendok sets the stage for the entire narrative of The Acolyte. It serves as the catalyst for the rift between Mae and Osha, shaping their contrasting views on the Jedi. Initially, the flashback in episode 3 hinted at a complex incident clouded by childhood misunderstandings. However, the reality of what transpired is far more sinister, with kid Mae coldly setting the mountain temple ablaze after an unsettling declaration.

Theory 1: The Alternate-Material Theory

One speculative theory suggests that the seemingly stone structure inside the mountain could have been coated with an extremely flammable material by the coven of witches inhabiting the temple. This alternative explanation challenges the conventional perception of the temple’s composition.

Image: Lucasfilm

This theory may seem like a whimsical cop-out, reminiscent of classic Star Wars storytelling quirks. However, it struggles to reconcile the gravity of the consequences that followed the fire, leaving many characters burdened with guilt or seeking vengeance. Silly problems demand equally whimsical solutions, but tragedies merit more thoughtful resolutions.

Theory 2: The Hidden-Culprit Theory

An alternative perspective posits that the events in episode 3 merely scratched the surface of a larger narrative. While Mae’s actions initiated the fire, a covert entity might have exploited the situation by using the Force to propagate the flames.

Jedi Master Kelnacca (Joonas Suotamo) looking down in a forest
Image: Lucasfilm

This theory introduces the intriguing possibility of an internal power struggle within Mae and Osha’s coven, implicating a Zabrak witch as a potential mastermind behind the catastrophe. Moreover, a shocking twist speculates that the Jedi themselves orchestrated the tragic event to further their agenda, painting a darker portrait of the High Republic era.

Theory 3: The Disney’s Star Wars Theory

Lastly, a straightforward interpretation suggests that The Acolyte might lack depth and seriousness, prioritizing surface-level narratives over intricate storytelling. According to this theory, the fire incident could be a mere misstep in Mae’s misguided quest for retribution, overshadowing the complexities of the Jedi’s involvement.

Charlie Barnett and Dafne Keen wearing Jedi robes and looking toward the Camera in Star Wars: The Acolyte
Image: Lucasfilm

While this theory may disappoint those seeking a profound narrative shift, it reflects the prevalent trend in modern Star Wars storytelling – safe and familiar narratives that maintain the status quo. As the franchise treads a path of predictability, daring revelations may remain elusive, even in the face of a seemingly inconsequential fire in The Acolyte.