Masahiro Sakurai Has Finished Recording His Final YouTube Video

Masahiro Sakurai Wraps Up YouTube Channel

Renowned Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai has recently announced the completion of the final episode of his YouTube channel. While fans eagerly await its release, they can still enjoy his regular uploads, such as his latest video on attack collision in games.

Throughout the lifespan of his channel, Sakurai has shared valuable insights on game design, covering areas like sound, graphics, controls, animation, and other intriguing topics related to the industry. He has also delved into gaming history and provided details about the development of his own projects over the years.

Since launching his YouTube channel in 2022, Sakurai has amassed close to 600k subscribers on his English channel, achieving multiple milestones along the way.

While the future plans of Masahiro Sakurai remain a mystery, he hinted in December last year that he is still actively involved in creating games.

Share Your Thoughts

Have you enjoyed following Sakurai’s channel? How do you feel about his decision to conclude it? Share your thoughts in the comments section.
