Hidetaka Miyazaki On Bringing Elden Ring To A Close And The Future Of From Software

The Journey of Shadow of the Erdtree

The arrival of Shadow of the Erdtree marks the culmination of a remarkable adventure for From Software. Two years ago, Elden Ring introduced the studio to the open-world genre, presenting a daunting challenge for a team known for their expertise in crafting intricate games. With Shadow of the Erdtree as the sole DLC for Elden Ring, From Software completes their vision.

As the release of Shadow of the Erdtree draws near, GameSpot sat down with director Hidetaka Miyazaki to reflect on the evolution of Elden Ring, the lessons learned from the experience, and the future of From Software.

A New Horizon for From Software

Hidetaka Miyazaki shares his perspective on the monumental task of creating Elden Ring, emphasizing the growth and development that occurred within the studio during the game’s production. As From Software’s first foray into the expansive open-world genre, Elden Ring challenged the team to push their boundaries and explore new creative frontiers.

“Elden Ring presented us with a scope and scale unlike anything we had tackled before,” Miyazaki reflects. “It served as a foundation for our team to evolve and set the stage for our future projects.”

He expresses gratitude to the fans for their unwavering support, acknowledging their role in propelling From Software towards new challenges and opportunities.

The Future of Game Design at From Software

When questioned about the studio’s future direction, Miyazaki hints at a diverse range of possibilities beyond the realm of open-world games. He emphasizes the importance of nurturing emerging talent within the team and remaining open to exploring new horizons in game development.

“We aim to continue diversifying our game portfolio and embracing different design philosophies,” Miyazaki explains. “The future holds exciting prospects for From Software, with each project offering a unique creative challenge.”

Embracing Challenge and Achievement

Miyazaki delves into the core themes of his games, highlighting the sense of challenge and accomplishment that permeate each title. He reflects on the players’ journey from vulnerability to mastery, underscoring the rewarding nature of overcoming obstacles in the game world.

“Our games are designed to immerse players in a harsh yet ultimately conquerable world,” Miyazaki remarks. “The joy of triumphing over adversity is a central theme that resonates with our audience.”

He acknowledges the intrinsic appeal of facing daunting challenges in a virtual realm, contrasting with the unpredictability and insurmountable obstacles present in the real world.

From Software: Evolving Identity

Miyazaki contemplates the studio’s evolving identity, emphasizing the underlying value of creating meaningful experiences for gamers. He envisions a future where From Software continues to deliver innovative and engaging titles, staying true to their commitment to excellence.

“Our focus remains on delivering value to players at every turn,” Miyazaki asserts. “We aspire to uphold the trust and expectations of our fans, guiding our path towards new creative endeavors.”

Exploring New Horizons

With the conclusion of Shadow of the Erdtree on the horizon, Miyazaki shares his insights on the development process and the challenges faced in crafting the expansive DLC. He elucidates the meticulous attention to detail and the extended timeline required to deliver a truly immersive experience.

“The voluminous content of the DLC was necessitated by the intricate gameplay and thematic elements of Elden Ring,” Miyazaki explains. “Our goal was to maintain the core essence of the game while expanding upon its rich tapestry.”

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Staying True to the Vision

Miyazaki discusses the delicate balance between staying true to the original vision of the game and incorporating player feedback into the development process. He underscores the importance of maintaining a cohesive vision while remaining receptive to audience reactions and suggestions.

“Our creative vision serves as the foundation for our work, guiding our decisions throughout the development cycle,” Miyazaki elaborates. “Player feedback acts as a valuable source of insight, enriching the gameplay experience.”

Themes and Interpretation

Miyazaki delves into the nuanced themes present in his games, highlighting the power of player interpretation and engagement. He emphasizes the importance of allowing players to formulate their own narratives and draw connections within the game world.

“Personal experience and interpretation are paramount in gaming,” Miyazaki notes. “Encouraging players to uncover hidden depths and forge their own paths enhances the overall immersion and storytelling.”

Collaboration and Creativity

Reflecting on the collaboration with George R. R. Martin for Elden Ring, Miyazaki praises the author’s contributions to the lore and mythology of the game. He hints at future collaborations with other prominent creators, underscoring the value of partnerships in enriching the gaming experience.

“Working with George R. R. Martin was a transformative experience, infusing Elden Ring with a unique narrative depth,” Miyazaki acknowledges. “Exploring new creative avenues through collaboration remains an exciting prospect for From Software.”

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Future Endeavors

Miyazaki hints at the studio’s potential expansion into other mediums, contemplating the adaptation of their games into films or TV shows. While remaining focused on interactive storytelling, Miyazaki acknowledges the allure of exploring alternate formats for their narratives.

“While games remain our primary focus, we remain open to the possibility of branching out into different mediums,” Miyazaki affirms. “Exploring new avenues for creative expression is an exciting prospect for From Software.”

A Continuation of Adventure

Looking ahead, Miyazaki shares his aspirations for future projects, emphasizing the enduring themes of challenge and exploration in his games. He hints at new ideas and themes on the horizon, promising a diverse and engaging lineup of titles from From Software.

“While challenge and achievement will always be core elements of my games, I look forward to exploring new territories and concepts in future projects,” Miyazaki teases.

A Personal Perspective

Miyazaki reflects on the source of his creative inspiration, drawing parallels between the excitement of game design and the joy of witnessing his daughter’s growth. He emphasizes the interconnected nature of personal experiences and creative endeavors, recognizing the impact of familial relationships on his craft.

“The joys of creativity and family life intersect in unexpected ways, enriching my perspective and driving my creative process,” Miyazaki reflects.

Embracing Change and Growth

Miyazaki contemplates the potential influence of personal experiences on his game design, citing the importance of evolving perspectives and diverse stimuli in fostering creativity. He underscores the value of incorporating new perspectives and insights into his work, acknowledging the role of change in expanding artistic horizons.

“Exploring new realms of thought and experience is essential for creative growth,” Miyazaki concludes. “Embracing change and diversity paves the way for fresh insights and innovative storytelling.”