Warhammer 40K meets D&D in series with former Games Workshop presenters

The Intersect of Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer 40,000

When it comes to the realms of Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer 40,000, the contrast couldn’t be starker. One brims with heroic adventures in a medieval-esque backdrop, while the other dwells in a dystopian future where life holds little value. The fusion of these two universes is now on the horizon with the upcoming D&D actual play series, Heretic Hunt. Polygon recently caught up with the show’s cast for an exclusive sneak peek.

Heretic Hunt boasts seasoned Games Workshop personalities Louise Sugden and Chris ‘Peachy’ Peach, who have transitioned to YouTube after leaving the renowned gaming giant in Nottingham. Joining them are writer Daniel Saye as the Dungeon Master, actor Greg Jones (Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, Hammer and Bolter), and the multi-talented Jamila Hall, who not only stars in the series but also oversees its production. With each episode clocking in at 48 minutes, the show promises a gripping narrative complemented by intricately painted miniatures and terrain crafted by the players.

Our interview has been lightly edited for clarity and concision.

Key art for Heretic Hunt shows the silhouettes of its main characters, including a woman with a knife and a man with a cup of tea.
Image: Impolite Productions

Polygong Interview Highlights

Polygon: The reason we are all talking today is because of the power of social media. I saw a couple of photos go flying by. Daniel, how exactly did you bring about this marvelous concept?

Daniel Saye: I’ve played war dollies since I was a kid. I still have the very first minis I painted, and I have loved the worlds of Warhammer 40,000 just deeply and madly. Like a lot of people, Dungeons & Dragons is also just a happy place for me — and so were a number of different RPGs. I’ve always wanted to tell a story in those 40K worlds, but it was a number of series by Dan Abnett that was my intro into street-level Warhammer […].

Louise Sugden: Mostly myself. A lot.

Louise, I want to learn more about your character. What was the seed that you were given to create that character and what did you come up with?

Sugden: I’ve never had a DM like Dan. He is fantastic, and the seed he gave us was basically like, “Oh, Louise! You like Necromunda! What have you always wanted to be in a Necromunda setting?” And that was essentially it. […]

A tower of metal and smoke rising from the arid plains of a distant world. The sun is in eclipse behind its moon, perfectly bisected by the hive’s uppermost spires.
The setting for Heretic Hunt is Serrix-2, a hive city in the world of Warhammer 40,000.
Image: Impolite Productions